After the Tet holidays, we tend to feel sluggish, tired, and lack of energy to back to work because of alcohol, soft drinks, candies, greasy foods. As a result, schedule of activities is reversed (staying up late, getting up late), etc.
2/19/2021 4:16:49 PM
Applying the S-E-E-D method to balance your health and get ready to kick off an exciting working year:
During the holiday period, you are easy to be disturbed. Getting back to a regular sleep routine to eliminate fatigue and stress also aging change in skin. As a result, you will feel relaxed and energetic to start the day.
In holiday, dishes contain high calories which make you easy to gain weight. Adding vegetables and fruits which are rich in vitamins and fiber to support the digestive system functioning well such as spinach, tomatoes, oranges, grapefruit. This will help to avoid bloating, control your weight as well as good for your heart and lower risk of diabetes.
In addition, skipping breakfast causing of headaches, nausea, and mood swings. Try to begin again with nutritious breakfast suggestions such as fresh salad, soy milk, etc. These are nutritious and delicious dishes that make you feel lighter and more excited.
People usually break daily habits during Tet. Let’s get back and try with a walk, jog in the park, go swimming, practice yoga to regain strength, return to work with a fresh spirit.
Getting dehydration caused by alcohol, so the easiest way to rebalance your health is drinking plenty of water to regain vitality. Supplying yourself with fruit juices is also a way to adding water, vitamins and minerals to the body.
Wish you success with the 4 tips above and get ready for an exciting year!