Should chronic hepatitis patients get the COVID-19 vaccine?

From July 1, 2021, the BYT has just issued Decision 3355 / QD-BYT on the plan to implement the Covid-19 vaccination campaign in 2021-2022. There are 16 groups of priority subjects for Covid-19 vaccination in which There are groups of people with chronic diseases and people over 65 years old. This group of people is a group that is at high risk of becoming seriously ill and dying from Covid.

Should chronic hepatitis patients get the COVID-19 vaccine?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), each country needs to vaccinate at least 70% of the population to achieve herd immunity. Like other medicines, the COVID-19 vaccine can cause some side effects and is unsuitable for certain people. All people who have had a severe allergic reaction to any of the active ingredients or excipients listed in the vaccine ingredients section MUST NOT get the vaccine.

Besides, it is necessary to be cautious with vaccination with subjects, such as:

  • If you had a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) after vaccination in the past.
  • If your immune system is weakened (immunosuppressive) or because of medicine (such as high-dose corticosteroids, immunosuppressants, or cancer drugs).
  • If you currently have a severe infection with a high body temperature (above 38°C/100.4°F).
  • If you have bleeding/bleeding problems, you are bruising or taking blood thinners (anticoagulants).
  • If you are not sure about any of the above, talk to your doctor or healthcare professional before you are vaccinated.

Thus, according to the above information of WHO, chronic diseases that are under reasonable control, such as hepatitis B and C, are still vaccinated and should be vaccinated against Covid. For patients with gastrointestinal cancer who are being treated with cancer drugs, it is advisable to consult a doctor carefully because, at this time, the immune status is weakened, so the response to the vaccine is worse than the average person. However, a partial answer is better than nothing, and this group is in dire need of protection against Covid-19.

For chronic illnesses in general, the following are frequently asked questions:

1. Can immunocompromised patients get vaccinated?

The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) still recommends vaccination for people with weakened immune systems, such as organ transplant patients or cancer patients. However, the effectiveness of the vaccine will be less than that of the general population. However, a partial response is better than nothing.

These people are very needy and always adhere to 5K

2. Will the Covid vaccine interact with the medicine I am taking?

It is not possible to answer this question perfectly at this time due to the lack of research. But the latest studies on chronically ill patients who received the covid vaccine have shown no problems.


Some drugs can cause immunosuppression (such as high-dose corticosteroids, cancer drugs, anti-rejection drugs). However, it is still highly recommended to get the Covid vaccine because it still can protect us more or less. However, do not receive the Covid vaccine within 90 days of using convalescent plasma or monoclonal antibodies such as Bamlanivimab or Regeneron (not yet available in Vietnam).

3. Will the Covid vaccine make my chronic illness worse?

The following reactions are normal: pain at the injection site, headache, numbness, or fever. These reactions are only temporary and indicate that your immune system is responding well to the vaccine.

Vaccines to date have not been shown to worsen existing chronic conditions. However, if there is a problem, contact a medical professional immediately.

4. Will I have more side effects from the Vaccine than the general population?

ARE NOT. Patients with chronic diseases do not experience more side effects.

5. Should I stop the medication I'm taking before I'm about to inject it?

Most chronic diseases do not require stopping the drug before injection. But for patients with autoimmune disease, it may be necessary to adjust the dose before injection, so consult your doctor before making a decision.

6. I want to inject, but now my illness is getting worse or difficult to control. Should I get the shot after I'm okay?

It would help if you talked to your doctor after your illness has stabilized. At present, there are NO CONTRAINDICATIONS FOR VACCINE COVID in stable chronically ill patients.

In summary, patients with chronic diseases should be vaccinated against Covid because they risk dying from Covid. Patients should consult their treating physician before injection.

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