Liver disease: Symptoms, treatment and prevention

The liver is the second largest organ in the body after the skin. When the liver is damaged, the functions will be impaired, causing many life-threatening complications such as cirrhosis, liver failure, liver cancer for a long time. Therefore, early screening for liver disease is an active way to prevent the disease.

Liver disease: Symptoms, treatment and prevention

9/7/2018 5:34:17 PM

Bệnh gan: triệu chứng, điều trị và cách phòng ngừa hữu hiệu

Periodic screening for liver disease is the best way to prevent serious liver diseases

1. What is liver disease?

It is caused by hereditary or viral infection, alcohol which damages the liver cells. Over time, the damage forms fibrous bands (scarring), leading to liver failure, which is life threatening.

According to statistics of the World Health Organization, Vietnam currently has about 7.8 million cases of chronic hepatitis B, more than 13,000 subjects with decompensated cirrhosis, nearly 6,000 people with hepatocellular cancer and More than 6,400 cases died from liver disease.

2. Dangerous liver diseases and earliest symptoms

2.1. Steatosis

Fatty liver is fat accumulation too much (more than 5% of the weight of the liver). This pathology occurs due to inappropriate eating habits, unscientific lifestyle, obesity or prolonged stress. 

Fatty liver progresses silently with unclear symptoms, making it difficult to detect. If treatment is not timely, liver damage can develop into cirrhosis, liver cancer.

2.2. Hepatitis

A pathology can occur in all subjects, due to 3 main reasons:

  • Hepatitis is caused by infection with viruses, parasites: hepatitis A virus, B, C, D, E, G, parasite Plasmodium falciparum or some types of parasitic amoeba in the liver.

  • Autoimmune hepatitis: the body's immune system attacks the liver.

  • Hepatitis due to poisoning: alcohol, cigarettes.

The functions of this organ are weakened. When the disease has progressed to a severe stage, it will easily lead to irreversible cirrhosis and liver cancer.

2.3. Cirrhosis

As one of the dangerous liver diseases, characterized by liver cells gradually being replaced by fibrous bands, crooked tissue causes the structure of the liver lobes to change into neoplastic nodules with no function.

When it first starts, cirrhosis usually has no obvious signs. In the severe stage, symptoms of the disease can be brain, liver, edema.

Bệnh gan: triệu chứng, điều trị và cách phòng ngừa hữu hiệu

Healthy liver (left) and cirrhotic liver (right)

2.4. Liver Cancer

Liver cancer occurs when malignant cells arise in the tissues in the liver. This is a dangerous disease but difficult to detect because there are no specific signs. When detected, the patient only lived 3-6 months and only 1% could live for 5 years.

2.5. Liver abscess

It is the appearance of one or more pus in the liver. Causes can be fungi, amoeba or bacteria. The disease has a high mortality rate if not treated promptly.

3. Subjects at high risk of liver disease

  • Use a lot of alcohol.

  • People with a family history of liver diseases, especially liver cancer, cirrhosis.

  • Eat raw food.

  • Sharing needles, toothbrushes, and razors.

  • Tattooing or piercing.

  • Get in contact with other people's body fluids.

  • Unsafe sex.

  • Contact with chemicals or toxins.

  • Abuse of antibiotics.

  • Have diabetes, obesity, and being overweight.

  • People with high triglyceride levels in the blood.

4. Dangerous complications

  • Liver encephalopathy (Liver coma).

  • Varicose esophageal veins.

  • Hepatopulmonary syndrome.

  • CKD.

  • Blood clotting disorder.

  • Infection.

5. Effective diagnosis and treatment 

5.1. Diagnose

Clinical examination, exchange of previous medical history.

Preclinical examination:

  • Blood tests: blood count, elevated liver enzymes AST (Aspartate aminotransferase), ALT (Alanine aminotransferase), increased GGT enzymes (Gamma glutamyl transferase) and ALP (Alkaline Phosphatase), increased bilirubin, low albumin levels.

  • Imaging tests: Abdominal X-ray, computed tomography (CT scan), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), retrograde biliary endoscopy (ERCP).

  • Tissue analysis (liver biopsy): take a sample of liver cells, examine under a microscope to find cancer cells, bacteria in the liver.

Bệnh gan: triệu chứng, điều trị và cách phòng ngừa hữu hiệu

To diagnose liver diseases, it is necessary to conduct blood test and liver enzymes test

5.2. Treatment

Depending on the cause of the disease, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment. Specifically, the liver is damaged by drug poisoning, it should be discontinued, consult a doctor to replace another drug. If infected, the patient needs treatment according to the regimen. Alcohol-related liver disease and some other liver diseases can be treated by overcoming symptoms, building a diet, and resting scientifically.

In case, the liver is severely damaged, causing dangerous complications that may require surgery. For example, end-stage liver failure requires a liver transplant. So, to determine the exact cause and have a timely treatment plan, you should visit every 6 months or as directed by the doctor.

6. How to prevent liver disease

  • Eat clean food.

  • Do not share needles, razors, personal items such as toothbrushes

  • Use safety measures when having sex.

  • Get the vaccine (hepatitis A and B viruses) fully according to the vaccination schedule or as directed by the Doctor.

  • Have regular health check-ups.

  • Develop a scientific diet, full of nutrients, healthy lifestyle, and reasonable rest.

  • Consult your doctor before using any pain reliever or antibiotic. Absolutely not arbitrarily buying drugs, combining East and West medicines.

  • Maintain a stable weight, avoid obesity.

  • Limit alcohol and drug

  • Exercise at least 30 minutes per day

7. What should people with liver disease eat?

Nutrition at each stage of liver disease is different. However, eating should have a balance between food groups such as: protein, fat, sugar, vitamins and minerals. Accordingly, people with liver disease should eat and diet some foods such as. 

- Should eat:

  • Protein: lean meat, cereals, fish, eggs, milk, tofu

  • Light, easy-to-digest food.

  • Bean.

  • Vegetables: dark green vegetables, orange and red fruits like carrots, tomatoes, and pumpkin are rich in vitamins and minerals, very good for people with liver disease.

  • Vegetable oil, soybean oil, sesame oil.




Bệnh gan: triệu chứng, điều trị và cách phòng ngừa hữu hiệu

Vegetables and fruits are good food for people with liver disease

- Fasting:

  • Spices: salt, chili, spicy.

  • Foods high in salt: bacon, sausage, packaged, canned foods.

  • Liquids: popsicles, sodas, soups because extra water can cause edema.

  • Wine.

  • Oily food.

Liver Cancer disease is a dangerous disease because most cases have no clinical manifestations in the early stages. Symptoms are only clear when the disease is in a severe stage, difficult to treat. Therefore, screening and periodic health checks are essential to detect and treat the disease as soon as possible.

In Ho Chi Minh City, beside major hospitals, CarePlus is also one of the selected sites for liver disease screening. This is a clinic system built on international standards with high quality of facilities and  a team of experienced doctors.

Visiting CarePlus, you are completely assured and satisfied by:

  • The fast process of examination and treatment, suitable for busy people.

  • Experienced doctors always listen to symptoms and medical history.

  • Assign the right exam, helping to save money and time.

  • Focus on professional counseling, clearly explain the results after examination, treatment regimen (if any).

  • Give advice on nutrition for different health status.

  • Follow up after treatment.

To make an appointment, please visit or contact Hotline: 1800 6116 for advice and guidance.


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