6 habits you should change if don't want to have gynecological diseases

Women are susceptible to gynaecological diseases if they maintain the following 6 habits.

6 habits you should change if don't want to have gynecological diseases

12/3/2021 4:32:43 PM


1. Lazy to change tampons

During menstruation, a girl’s private area will become more sensitive. Using tampons correctly will help prevent the risk of infection. But if you are too lazy to change tampons, you will accidentally turn the intimate area into an ideal environment for bacteria to grow and cause disease. Please pay attention to the developing tampons after about 3-4 hours of used to protect the private area, even if the menstrual volume is not much.

2. Wearing underwear that’s too tight

Wearing tight, non-absorbent underwear will make your vaginal environment wet, creating conditions for bacteria to multiply and grow, causing dangerous gynaecological diseases.

3. Abuse of feminine hygiene solution

Feminine hygiene solution is a product that helps women feel clean and confident in sensitive areas. However, the nature of feminine hygiene solutions is a “medicine” for gynaecological washing, so if you use feminine hygiene solutions daily and regularly, especially many times a day, it will disturb the environment natural of the vagina. It is best to use it only on the “strawberry days”, before or after sex, the day there is a lot of white discharge, or uncomfortable inflammatory symptoms (itching, foul smell or pathological white discharge...).

4. Vaginal douching

The habit of douching in the private area can negatively affect the health of the “little girl”. It can upset the natural PH balance of the genitals, creating conditions for harmful bacteria to grow more, leading to inflammation of gynaecological diseases...

Thoroughly clean the outer area, including the vulva and lips. The tight part located deep inside actually has a self-protection mechanism and is always clean. There is no need to douche deep into this area.

5. Holding urine

Many people stay busy with their affairs and try to prolong the resolution of “sadness”, bursting the bladder and increasing the risk of urinary tract infections. Bacteria will also have time to multiply and develop and quickly lead to dangerous diseases in the intimate area.

6. Sitting in one place for a long time

This is one of the everyday habits of people working in offices. When you sit in one place for hours, the private area will be blocked, not airy, and easily congested because of poor blood circulation, causing a blockage in the pelvic area. Therefore, to protect the health of the private room, girls should get up and exercise after about 30-45 minutes of work. This will help improve blood circulation and limit the risk of vaginal infections and the risk of belly fat.

Some principles to help prevent common gynaecological diseases:

  • Keep the intimate area clean and dry, especially during menstruation.
  • Wear dry, excellent underwear, absolutely do not wear wet pants, easy to breed bacteria and germs in the private area.
  • Follow a healthy diet and make sure you get enough beneficial nutrients.
  • Regular exercise help blood circulation better and helps the body strengthen resistance.
  • Periodic gynaecological examination: visit a gynaecologist at least once a year with or without symptoms of the disease. It should examine women with a history of gynaecological problems every 6 months.
    • Benefits of periodic gynaecological examination: Early detection of gynaecological diseases - Timely treatment of diseases - Prevention of obstetric and gynaecological complications - Consulting in problems related to reproductive health.
    • Periodic gynecological examination includes: - Gynecological examination - Breast examination - Blood smear examination - Abdominal ultrasound - Breast ultrasound - Transvaginal ultrasound - Cervical smear and HPV Cobas test for cervical cancer screening bow,...

CarePlus is a reliable clinic system in Ho Chi Minh City, trusted by many women. The Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of CarePlus Clinic provides intensive and practical examination, diagnosis, and treatment services for gynaecological diseases with dedication and the most affordable costs. When you have questions about common gynaecological disorders, book an appointment at CarePlus here or contact hotline: 1800 6116 for dedicated advice and detailed instructions.


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