5 common misconceptions about constipation

5 common misconceptions about constipation

Myth 1: Constipation is normal, no need to worry 

Reality: Constipation is normal and not dangerous. However, if we do not detect and make proper treatment soon it will lead to chronic constipation. Which causes stasis of big hard feces, prolonged anal tearing that makes children stop going to bowel long time causing rectal dilatation, stools, incontinence, anorexia, affecting development physical and psychological development of the child. 

Myth 2: Constipation is easy to detect 

Reality: Mostly, parents don’t detect their children having constipation due to busy schedules and kids spend most of the time at school. Only when reaches chronic constipation that they find out through the state of stools that compresses pull. pooping, anal tightness pain, etc. 

Myth 3: If kids go to the toilet every day, they’ll not have constipation 

Reality:  If kids go to the toilet every day, they’ll not have constipation just only when they have painless bowel movements solf stools, moderate stools. To chronic constipation, kids still have bowel movements every day, but only small, hard, or lumpy stools, then the child will continue to avoid taking bowel movements.

Myth 4: Eat more vegetables to cure constipation

Reality: If your child is NOT constipated, a diet full of fiber (soluble) and insoluble, will help soften stools and create large enough stools to stimulate bowel movements every day. For children who are already constipated, fiber supplementation is not enough. Because at that time, the child holding the bowel movements is mainly due to anal pain. It will remain in a repetitive circle leading to more severe constipation. At that time, your child will need to be actively treated by taking stool softeners.

Myth 5: Use medicine to treat constipation is dangerous and just a few days is enough 

Reality: The purpose of constipated treatment is recreating daily bowel habits of kids. Therefore, it takes a long time (about 6 months) so it’s very necessary for the patience and cooperation of parents. Some current stool softening laxatives are safe for children and are approved for long-term use by the prestigious International Digestive Associations in advanced countries. 


Author: Dr. First Degree Specialist Lai Thi Bich Thuy - Pediatric Specialist of CarePlus International Clinics


  • Constipation: RCH – patient education
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