What is ECG? Who should is ECG measured?

Electrocardiogram is a method that plays a role in checking heart rate, detecting abnormalities of the heart, diagnosing heart attack

What is ECG? Who should is ECG measured?

12/10/2019 2:09:46 PM

Cardiovascular diseases such as coronary arteries, cerebral arteries, peripheral arteries ... tend to be more and more rejuvenated and account for 77% of annual deaths. Therefore, screening is of utmost importance in the early detection and prevention of cardiovascular disease. In which, electrocardiogram is an indispensable method when screening for cardiovascular disease.

1. Answers "What is electrocardiogram?"

An electrocardiogram (also known as Electrocardiogram, Electrocardiogram, EKG, or ECG) is a test that records the heart's activity through tiny electrodes that a technician attaches to the skin of your chest, arms, and legs. friend. This test is fast, safe and painless.

Đo điện tim là gì? Những đối tượng nào nên thực hiện đo điện tim?

Stress electrocardiogram is one of the most popular methods of checking heart condition.


  • Check your heart rate.

  • Detection of ischemia (if any)

  • Diagnose a heart attack.

  • Check for unusual things, such as thickening of the heart muscle.

  • Detects abnormal electrolyte signs, such as high potassium or high / low calcium.

2. Who should take the electrocardiogram?

  • Chest pain or heart palpitations occur.

  • Prepare for surgery.

  • Have had heart problems in the past.

  • Family history of heart problems.

  • Suspect yourself having cardiovascular disease or wanting to be healthier.

3. Where should the electrocardiogram be measured in the city. HCM City?

“Where should the electrocardiogram be measured in the city? HCM? ” This is a problem that many people are interested in because not all units provide reputable and quality services.

CarePlus International Clinic is operated by CityClinic Vietnam Company Limited with 100% foreign capital. In particular, CarePlus is also a member of Singapore Medical Group (SMG) - a leading healthcare provider in Singapore with a network of more than 20 specialties and more than 26 clinics. In particular, the Cardiology Specialist of CarePlus Clinic System is trusted and appreciated by many customers by:

  • Properly diagnose the disease, limit the use of drugs.

  • Carefully advise customers to understand the disease and actively participate in the treatment.

  • In case of emergency hospitalization, we can advise and contact major hospitals such as People's Hospital 115, Heart Institute of Ho Chi Minh City, DHYD Hospital, Children's Hospital ... for treatment. Boarding is the most convenient.

  • Environment-friendly, modern facilities and high-end equipment.

  • A team of dedicated and experienced doctors.

Đo điện tim là gì? Những đối tượng nào nên thực hiện đo điện tim?

CarePlus is a familiar health examination site that is trusted by many families.

4. List of ECG measurement methods at CarePlus International Clinic System

4.1. EKG Stress Test (ECG Stress Test)

Stress electrocardiograms are performed through exercise. At this point, your heart works to increase capacity: pump harder and faster. From there, this method shows the level of heart activity during physical activity.

Not only helps diagnose coronary artery disease, heart rhythm disturbances, and exercise electrocardiograms also assist doctors in directing treatment of heart disease and deciding the appropriate time of heart surgery.

Đo điện tim là gì? Những đối tượng nào nên thực hiện đo điện tim?

Stress electrocardiograms are performed through physical exercises.

Dưới đây là quy trình thực hiện đo điện tim bằng điện tâm đồ gắng sức và các lưu ý liên qua




Before Examination

The doctor will use the test taker's personal history to determine the level of the test through a number of questions such as:

  • How often to exercise 1 time.

  • Have there been any unusual signs lately?

Does anyone in the family suffer from cardiovascular diseases?

- Use a medical stethoscope to see if an abnormality affects the results.

- Candlestick:

  • Wear comfortable clothes and shoes.

  • Have a snack before exercising if the performer has not eaten before.

  • Carry asthma sprays or treat a respiratory illness if you have these conditions.

- Should not:

  • Use of stimulants.

  • Use oils, lotions.

During examination

- The nurse will place the electrodes on the chest, abdomen and below the collarbone.

The electrodes will attach wires that connect to the electrocardiograph (the device that records the electrical activity).

- A cuff in the arm to measure blood pressure during the test.

- The performer will practice on a rolling mat or a stationary bicycle, starting at a slow pace and will gradually increase the intensity until there are abnormal symptoms and cannot continue the test. (*)

Complications can occur:

- Blood pressure can drop during strenuous exercise, making the performer feel dizzy or even faint.

The arrhythmia will usually go away quickly as soon as you stop the test.

In some cases, the performer may experience a heart attack (myocardial infarction). However, this complication is very rare and there is always a doctor to control it.

After Examination

- The operator will likely have to sit in place for a few seconds to watch.

- The doctor will during this time look for abnormalities in the heart rate and breathing rate.


- If the results show normal heart function: No other tests are needed.

- If your results show abnormal heart function: Your doctor may order further tests.

- If the test shows coronary artery disease or arrhythmia: The doctor will start a treatment plan and the patient will need to do more tests.


* If the patient cannot exercise, a drug that increases blood flow to the heart will be given. The patient may experience hot flashes or short, shallow breathing, as if they were exercising. The side effect of this method is that the operator may experience a headache.

4.2. Holter ECG

CarePlus is the first clinic system in Vietnam to own Holter ECG Bittium Faros equipment. This is a device from Finland, selected by experts around the world and is a replacement for conventional ECG equipment. Accordingly, the device can record all heart rate data in all daily activities and continuously state up to 7 days. At the same time, ECG data were analyzed and evaluated by foreign doctors (USA, Finland and India).

Đo điện tim là gì? Những đối tượng nào nên thực hiện đo điện tim?

CarePlus is using the New Generation Holter ECG for cardiovascular screening with many outstanding advantages.

Outstanding advantages:

  • The device is compact (only 18 grams) and water resistant, providing a convenient feeling in life

  • The device has the ability to record all heart activity. With CarePlus Clinic service, ECG data can be logged for up to 7 days without interruption.

  • Data is not only recorded while resting in the clinic, but is recorded continuously throughout all daily activities and psychological state.

  • Thanks to the continuous recording of the data, the Holter ECG is able to detect even the slightest irregular heartbeat.

Bên cạnh đó, CarePlus còn trang bị Siêu âm tim Doppler màu và nhiều thiết bị hiện đại khác mới phục vụ for early cardiovascular screening.

5. List of cardiovascular screening packages at CarePlus

> Holter ECG Service

Holter ECG 24h (1 day)

Holter ECG 72 hours (3 days)

Holter ECG 7 days

> Standard Cardiovascular Screening

> Heart Rate Disorders Screening

> Intensive Cardiovascular Screening

Đo điện tim là gì? Những đối tượng nào nên thực hiện đo điện tim?

CarePlus doctors will advise and help you understand the results of the EKG test.

Through electrocardiogram tests, people who take the test can know their cardiovascular condition. Depending on the results, the doctor can conduct treatment (if sick) or make lifestyle changes for better cardiovascular system.

Today, contact CarePlus to learn more about the package or to book an appointment through:

  • Hotline: 1800 6116

  • Email:

  • Fanpage: CarePlus Clinic Vietnam


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