Bệnh Tim Mạch - Tăng Huyết Áp & Những điều cần biết Tăng Huyết Áp - Căn bệnh được mệnh danh là kẻ giết người thầm lặng SỐ 1. Dù bạn có đang bị tăng huyết áp hay không, hãy dành ít phút cập nhật kiến thức về căn bệnh này ngay để bảo vệ sức khỏe cho chính mình và những người thân yêu, bằng cách lắng nghe những chia sẻ của Bs. Trần Lê Vũ để hiểu rõ hơn về nguyên nhân, cách điều trị và phòng ngừa bệnh.
Arrhythmia - The cause of 80% sudden death cases Rối loạn nhịp tim là bệnh lý tim mạch nguy hiểm, gây cảm giác hồi hộp, đau tức ngực, khó thở và là nguyên nhân của 80% trường hợp đột tử hiện nay.
OVEREATING BUT UNDERWEIGHT A WAKE-UP CALL FOR YOUR HEALTH Eating a lot but staying thin is a dream for many young people who wish to maintain a slim figure while indulging in delicious foods. However, this condition may indicate underlying health risks that require attention.
CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE WITH THE PREMIUM COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH SCREENING PACKAGE AT CAREPLUS Let's listen to the genuine sharing from customer Thanh Luan Nguyen, a Vietnamese expatriate from Germany, about his experience using the Premium health check-up package at CarePlus – a place that provides peace of mind with high-quality outpatient medical services, a streamlined process, and a dedicated team of doctors.
SEBORRHEIC DERMATITIS - DEFINITION AND TREATMENT Seborrheic Dermatitis, also known as seborrheic eczema or dandruff (when affecting the scalp), is a common, non-contagious skin condition. It typically occurs in areas rich in sebaceous (oil) glands such as the face, scalp, chest, and back. Due to inflammation, affected skin often appears pink or red, with white scaling and may be accompanied by itching.
ULTRASONIC TEETH CLEANING: A SMALL STEP FOR LONG-TERM ORAL HEALTH BENEFITS Getting your teeth cleaned every 6–12 months is a simple yet highly effective way to maintain oral health. Discover CarePlus’ advanced ultrasonic teeth cleaning service, which eliminates plaque at its root for brighter, healthier teeth.
INFLUENZA: A COMMON YET POTENTIALLY SERIOUS ILLNESS Influenza (flu) is a highly contagious disease that can affect both children and adults of all ages. The flu is more prevalent during the winter months, as increased social interactions during festive seasons facilitate its spread. The virus is transmitted from person to person through coughing, sneezing, or touching contaminated surfaces.