Why is early diagnosis of cancer important?

The number of people with cancer in Vietnam is quite high. Statistics show that, in 2010, about 126,000 Vietnamese people had cancer and is expected to exceed 190,000 cases by 2020 (According to Saigon Giai Phong). However, the majority of people are not fully aware of the dangers of the disease and do not actively screen for cancer periodically and by age. So what is cancer screening? Where should cancer screening in HCMC?

Why is early diagnosis of cancer important?

8/10/2018 2:10:23 PM

1. What is cancer screening?

Cancer screening is to perform tests and diagnoses to detect precancerous cells or small tumors at the earliest when the patient has no unusual symptoms. From there, can effectively intervene in medicine, prevent cancer progression, and increase the rate of cure.

Screening for cancer is essential because:

- Treatment is easy with less invasive methods such as surgery to remove cancer cells instead of chemotherapy or radiation (in the early stage). Thanks to that, shorten treatment time as well as save a lot of costs incurred.

- Increase the ability to cure diseases and the chances of living the patient.

- Eliminate worries, panic when the body appears abnormal signs, avoid affecting mental health, work efficiency and study.

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Cancer cells have a very strong ability to divide, difficult to control without early treatment

2. Age should be screened for cancer in men and women

Most cancers can be well controlled if detected early, treated promptly and properly. However, compared with many countries around the world, the cure rate of cancer (living for more than 5 years) of Vietnamese people is quite low, only about 33% in men and 40% in women (According to Saigon Giai Phong) ). The reason is that the patient does not actively screen periodically, often detected when cancer has grown and spread. Therefore, when a healthy body still needs regular cancer screening 1 year/time, 2 years/time, 3 years/time to protect the best health.

The reference table for age and type of cancer should be screened according to the recommendations of the American Cancer Society:




21 to 29 years old

Colon cancer.

Breast cancer.

Cervical cancer.

Colon cancer

40 to 49 years old

Colon cancer.

Prostate cancer.

Stomach cancer

Breast cancer.

Cervical cancer.

Colon cancer.

Stomach cancer

> 50 years old

Colon cancer.

Prostate cancer.

Lung cancer.

Breast cancer.

Cervical cancer.

Colon cancer.

Lung cancer.

3. What tests should be tested for cancer?

3.1. Image analysation

Tầm soát ung thư ở đâu tại TPHCM tốt, cần xét nghiệm gì?

Imaging diagnostics helps detect cancer cells, tumors when they are very small, have not spread yet

Types of diagnostic imaging




Ultra sound

- The doctor will apply a special gel to the area that needs the ultrasound.

- Put the probe on and move it around in the gel area.

- The images will be displayed on the computer screen.

- Better soft tissue imaging than x-rays.

- The ultrasound is used to guide the biopsy.


The doctor inserts a tube-type instrument, usually a flexible bronchoscope, into the body to directly observe internal organs.

- Give quite accurate results to help doctors diagnose and determine the extent and ability of tumors, cancer cells.

- Treating or partially removing the tumor through laparoscopic surgery with special surgical instruments, small sizes attached to the endoscopic device.

X-rays and other radiation tests


X-ray equipment emits an X-ray beam through the body and shows soft tissue and organs on a piece of film.


When combined with a contrast agent, organs and soft tissues appear more clearly.


- A type of imaging test that uses multiple X-rays to scan an area of the body in slices.

- A 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional image of the part to be captured will appear on the computer screen.


- CT scans show your bones, organs, and soft tissues more clearly than a regular x-ray.

- CT scan results are used to guide the biopsy.

- Evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment regimen.



The long cylindrical MRI scanner uses a strong magnetic force and a beam of radio frequency waves to receive signals from the nucleus of the hydrogen atom in the body, thereby creating an internal cross-section image.


When the MRI is combined with a contrast agent, the tumor of the brain and spinal cord becomes more visible. This allows the doctor to know whether it is benign or malignant, a sign that the cancer may have metastasized.

MRI results help doctors to plan a treatment such as surgery or radiation therapy.

Nuclear medicine

-Radioisotopes or radioactive substances are introduced into the body.

-The tissues attacked by cancer cells will absorb concentrations of radioisotopes or radioactive substances.

- When the image is given, the area with the potential to get cancer will have a more distinctive color than the rest of the area.

-Help doctors find tumors and see how cancer has spread in the body.

- Evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment regimen.

Imitation photo

There are many methods to obtain mammograms, including:

- X-ray of the breast.

- CT scan of the breast.

- MRI of the breast.

- Breast ultrasound.

Look for signs or possibilities of breast cancer.

Special preparations for the colonoscopy and timing of the procedure:


Special preparation

Execution time



30 minutes to 2 hours



30 to 45 minutes



15 to 60 minutes



15 to 30 minutes



1 to 2 hours



2 to 3 hours


Only eat soft, liquid foods before the procedure

15 to 30 minutes



20 minutes to 1 hour

3.2. Biopsy and cytology tests

Biopsy and cytology tests are necessary when screening for cancer. Depending on the type of cancer, the doctor will order either biopsy or cytology.

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The doctor proceeds to take body fluids to test cytology

Get a biopsy

- Needle biopsy: The doctor uses a needle to take a sample for testing (about the size of a grain of rice).

- Biopsy removal: Part or all of the tumor will be removed through a cut through the skin. The doctor usually uses anesthesia in the sampling area. If the tumor is in the chest or abdomen, the doctor will perform general anesthesia.

- Endoscopic biopsy: A specialized biopsy device will be attached to the end of the endoscope. The procedure for this test is similar to a conventional colonoscopy.

- Endoscopic biopsy, thoracoscopy and mediastinal biopsy: Unlike conventional bronchoscopy, a small incision is made in the abdomen. Then a device like a stethoscope is passed through the incision to look inside.

- Splenectomy and thoracotomy: This biopsy will be done through abdominal surgery.

- Skin biopsy: The doctor assigns a suspected skin cancer area to take a sample. Accordingly, the shaving method is often used to take a skin biopsy sample.

- Lymph node biopsy: The biopsy of the lymph nodes will be removed and examined under a microscope to look for cancer cells. However, care should be taken when performing this test as it has the potential to spread cancer more widely.

- Cytology test

- FNA fine needle aspiration: The doctor will take a small syringe to remove cells from a potentially cancerous part.

- Cytological tests for body fluids: Some body fluids are tested to check if there are cancer cells, including:

  • Urine

  • Sputum

  • Cerebrospinal fluid.

  • Pleural fluid.

  • Pericardial fluid.

  • Peritoneal fluid.

- Scrape or brush: Scrape (scraping) and brush (brushing) is the latest type of cell test today, typically the Pap test. Your doctor will use a special device shaped like a small spoon or brush used to remove cells from the cervix for a Pap test.

4. Where is the best and reputable cancer screening in HCMC?

Where to get a good and reliable cancer screening in Ho Chi Minh City is a problem that is always concerned by many people. Because, with the current situation of overcrowding in major hospitals, many people feel tired of waiting for hours to be seen. Not only that, the biggest shortcoming is that some medical facilities are of poor quality, do not guarantee sterility when tests or equipment and machines do not meet the conditions for cancer screening.


Tầm soát ung thư ở đâu tại TPHCM tốt, cần xét nghiệm gì?

CarePlus's modern equipment is modern for accurate and effective diagnosis results

Built on international standards, CarePlus stands out as one of the leading polyclinics in HCMC. Visiting at CarePlus, you are completely assured by a core team of qualified and experienced doctors, modern facilities, fast medical procedures and procedures. In particular, the cancer screening tests at CarePlus are based on actual tests with only necessary medical intervention but still bring the most accurate and cost-effective results.

Cancer screening packages at CarePlus:

  • Screening for cervical cancer

  • Screening for lung cancer

  • Screening for stomach cancer

  • Screening for cancer is common in women

  • Comprehensive cancer screening for men

  • Comprehensive cancer screening for women

  • Screening for cancer using FNA

To assess where cancer screening in Ho Chi Minh City is good, you need to thoroughly research and consult with relatives and friends about the medical facility you plan to visit. Special attention should be paid to whether the testing process, cancer screening items and costs are clear and transparent.

Perform periodic cancer screening, age is essential, for the earliest prevention, effective treatment and increase the chance of curing this dangerous disease. For more detailed advice on types of cancer and screening service packages, please visit Website:, Fanpage: CarePlus Clinic Vietnam or contact Hotline: 1800 6116 (Exemption charge).


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