6 Symptoms of Dengue Fever You Should Know

Dengue fever is on the list of common infectious diseases, occurring seasonal. Although it is a common disease, there are still many people who do not know how to treat dengue fever?

6 Symptoms of Dengue Fever You Should Know

3/21/2023 9:58:42 AM

It's Dengue fever season

Dengue fever usually occurs in March - April and around early July to November every year, this is a favorable time for the development of mosquitoes. These two periods are also the time of strong outbreak of dengue fever in the North. In the South, dengue fever can occur at any time due to the dense distribution of midges.

Dengue fever occurs in both children and adults, but children are the most susceptible. Most cases of dengue fever have a typical manifestation of high fever, accompanied by symptoms such as: pain behind the eyes, headache, rash, nausea, ... and do not cause complications. These symptoms usually appear within 4-7 days after being bitten by a mosquito that transmits the pathogen, starting with a fever and the illness lasting from 2-7 days.

Don't ignore the signs of a fever getting worse

When it develops into severe dengue, the critical phase occurs about 3-7 days after the first signs of the disease appear. The body temperature will drop, this does not mean that the patient is recovering. In addition, pay special attention to the following warning signs because they could be signs of severe dengue.

  • Severe abdominal pain, vomiting blood
  • Continuous vomiting
  • Bleeding gums, tooth roots
  • Rapidly breath
  • Tired, restless

Some common causes of dengue fever are often self-administered with ibuprofen and aspirin to reduce fever, causing gastrointestinal bleeding. Many cases of arbitrarily increasing the dose of antipyretic drugs or combining many different antipyretic drugs can cause overdose, drug poisoning, liver failure, kidney failure, etc.

In addition, many patients think that fever is cured, so they subjectively do not re-examine. But dengue fever usually has a sudden onset and progresses through three stages: the febrile phase, the critical phase, and the convalescent phase. So the body temperature will drop, this does not mean the patient is recovering.

When severe dengue is suspected, the person should be rushed to the nearest emergency room or medical facility because the condition causes:

- Loss of plasma may or may not lead to shock and/or fluid accumulation leading to respiratory failure;

- Heavy bleeding; Severe organ damage.

Safe treatment of dengue fever

Currently, there is no drug to treat dengue fever, symptomatic treatment is the main method of treating the disease. In case of mild dengue patient, you can take care at home, rest and drink plenty of water, eat soft foods with water, easy to digest, reduce fever with Paracetamol or drink Oresol to replace electrolytes, cool down axillary and inguinal areas when fever is high.

It is best when suspecting that they have dengue fever, each person should take the initiative to visit a medical facility to be diagnosed and assigned an appropriate test by a doctor, absolutely do not arbitrarily treat dengue fever blood at home.

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