Crooked or crooked wisdom teeth are quite common in adults. This condition is not only painful and uncomfortable, but also many cases of wisdom teeth erupting, causing dangerous complications for oral health.
Gingivitis over wisdom teeth: When the wisdom teeth are misaligned, it often causes the condition of the gums. At this time, the gums are covered and the food gets stuck between the gums and teeth.
Periodontitis: In cases where wisdom teeth grow straight, but the shape is abnormal, causing food to be stuffed for a long time will cause tooth decay. It also causes periodontitis for adjacent teeth.
Crowded teeth: In fact, the wall has enough room for 28 teeth. However, growing wisdom teeth often lead to misalignment and encroachment on the adjacent 7th tooth. Even, many cases of tooth number 8 misaligned, there is also the possibility of puncture or crown of tooth 7, thereby causing inflammation of tooth number 7. In many cases, if tooth number 8 is not extracted early, it will also cause tooth 7 to be lost.
Cavities: Misaligned teeth 8 will combine with teeth 7 to form food gaps. Therefore, it will be difficult to brush and thereby create conditions for bacteria to grow. This is also the cause of wisdom tooth decay and over time can spread to tooth number 7.
Cellulitis: A common complication when wisdom teeth grow crooked and grow underground is cellulitis. Common manifestations are swollen cheeks, tight skin and pain to the touch. At the same time, the patient will feel pain, painful opening of the mouth, difficulty in chewing and swallowing, and even complete stiffness of the jaw. Even if not treated soon will cause this area to fester.
Meneloblastoma: This is a rare case and if it is encountered, the treatment method is usually to cut the jawbone.
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