What are the common gynecological diseases in menopausal women?

Menopause affects both the physical and mental health of women. During menopause, the hormonal changes and estrogen deficiency make the vaginal wall dry and less elastic, leading to many gynecological diseases. Therefore, women should check their health regularly and not ignore abnormal body symptoms.

What are the common gynecological diseases in menopausal women?

Gynecological diseases cause a lot of trouble, affect marital quality of life, and can progress to dangerous complications. Therefore, women should know about gynecological health care to effectively prevent diseases. 


For women in menopause, due to the decrease in estrogen activity of the ovaries, the vaginal environment becomes dry and neutral, lacking fluids and lactic acid to kill bacteria, fungi, and infections quickly attack the vulva and vagina, causing inflammation. Chronic inflammation over time will lead to cervical cancer and ovarian cancer.  

Vulvar itching  

Itching is a common symptom in genital diseases such as vaginitis vulvar cancer, but it can also be due to no reason. Therefore, when having signs of itching, you need to see a doctor for appropriate treatment. When itching, you need to keep the genital area clean. You should also avoid eating spicy and stimulating foods to keep your body balanced and healthy.  

Gynecological cancer  

  • Gynecological cancer is a disease that is increasing in postmenopausal women. Breast and uterine cancer are usually diagnosed in older women than younger women.  

  • Uterine and cervical cancer: A common disease in women aged 50-60, rare in women who do not have sexual activity. The cause of the disease is not clear. It is seen that cervical cancer is related to external stimuli such as early sexual activity, multiple births, multiple abortions, and sexually transmitted diseases. 

Urinary incontinence  

Urinary incontinence or urine leakage is common in women who have given birth vaginally multiple times or over 35 years old when estrogen levels start to decrease. This is a common problem that many women face after menopause.  

Uterine prolapse  

Uterine prolapse occurs when the muscles and ligaments of the pelvic floor stretch, weaken, and can no longer support the uterus. As a result, the uterus slides down into the vagina. In severe cases of uterine prolapse, the uterus may even protrude out of the vagina.


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