Start time: 2017-08-27 09:00:00
End time: 2017-08-27 12:00:00
1/17/2018 2:03:10 PM
“Wheezing is a common respiratory symptom among young children, causing a lot of anxiety for parents, especially when it is persistent and recurrent.” – according to Dr. Tran Thi Huyen Thao, Head of Pediatrics Department, CarePlus International Clinic.
Is wheezing dangerous for children? What should parents do when their children wheeze? With a view to sharing medical knowledge and helping parents to understand this symptom better, CarePlus would like to invite you to our talk show “Wheezing among young children in early childhood.”
Attending our talk show, you will have the opportunity to win the following health packages:
Livestream "Air Conditioner - The Companion of Summer Diseases"
7/5/2018 9:28:21 AM
Talkshow ''HAND-FOOT-MOUTH - Common diseases in the rainy season & HOW TO PREVENTION'
10/12/2020 4:51:05 PM
Hand, foot and mouth (HFMD) is a common infectious disease in young children, especially children under 5 years old. It has a fast-spreading rate in the humid climate like rainy season.
Welcoming children and parents from rise english center to careplus district 1
3/29/2021 5:16:46 PM
It’s the cooperation between CarePlus and Rises to provide a better understanding of health care knowledge.
5/5/2021 10:12:41 AM