These days, the weather changes seasons and cold quickly causes many health problems in children. This is a favourable time for pathogenic bacteria and viruses to multiply, thrive and spreadA rapidly in the community, especially children at high risk of disease and severe complications.
Start time: 2021-12-24 11:00:00
End time: 2021-12-24 12:00:00
12/23/2021 4:07:00 PM
So how to prevent and recognize early signs of common cold season diseases in children?
Please watch the Livestream What to do to prevent illness for children in cold season broadcasting at 11 a.m on Friday, December 24, 2021, on CarePlus Clinic Vietnam Fanpage. Parent can equip helpful knowledge from experts’ advices about health care for little angels overcoming this illness season.
Speaker: Pediatric specialist Tran Thi Hoang Oanh. Over 15 years of experience working at Children’s Hospital and Hospital de Conception (France).
In particular, the rain of gifts on Christmas occasions for parents to monitor and ask questions. Including 10 boxes of #GlicoIcreo milk, 5 bottles of #ArauBaby shower gel and 5 vouchers 50% off #CarePlus’s Scaling service will land in the Livestream.
Don’t miss your parents!! >>> Register HERE
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Thông thường, khi nói đến các bệnh hô hấp thường gặp ở trẻ em, nhiều người sẽ nghĩ đây là bệnh chỉ gặp vào mùa mưa, mùa lạnh, hay khi thời tiết chuyển mùa.
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Chương trình sẽ được tổ chức thông qua ứng dụng Zoom vào lúc 20h00 ngày 15/10/2021 (Thứ 6) với sự đồng hành của 3 khách mời đặc biệt.