Start time: 2017-11-11 02:00:00
End time: 2017-11-11 05:00:00
1/17/2018 2:08:44 PM
Iron deficiency anemia (especially among children under 24 months of age) and thalassemia (also known as haemolytic anemia) are two of the most common hematological and malnutrition diseases among children. If not detected and treated timely, they can serious consequences for function of blood, brain tissue, heart, liver and skeletal muscle of the child.
With a view to sharing medical knowledge and helping parents to understand these diseases better, CarePlus would like to invite you to our talk show "Anemia & Thalassemia".
We look forward to your attendance.
Talk Show "Newborn Caring & Breastfeeding Counselling"
1/17/2018 2:10:53 PM
Free Talk Show "How to prepare your child for 1st grade "
4/16/2019 12:26:09 PM
Seminar ''Latest advances in early diagnosis and cancer treatment''
8/28/2019 1:03:44 PM
A meaningful seminar with the aim of community-oriented goal helps people understand clearly about cancer and the latest advances in early diagnosis and cancer treatment.