Treating Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection is often a challenging process for many patients. In addition to the fatigue caused by stomach ulcer symptoms, patients also have to face uncomfortable side effects. Some even consider stopping treatment after a few days of medication, despite endoscopy results showing severe ulceration that requires thorough treatment.


Treating Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection is often a challenging process for many patients. In addition to the fatigue caused by stomach ulcer symptoms, patients also have to face uncomfortable side effects. Some even consider stopping treatment after a few days of medication, despite endoscopy results showing severe ulceration that requires thorough treatment. 

So, are these side effects really concerning, and do they affect your health? 

👉 Let’s join Dr. Đinh Thị Ngọc Minh - Hepatology and Gastroenterology Specialist, to better understand and adhere to the treatment process. 


🆘 If you experience any severe allergic reactions such as itching, rash, vomiting, severe abdominal pain, difficulty breathing, or anaphylactic shock, stop the medication immediately and contact your doctor. 

In most cases, patients may experience one or more of the following symptoms: 

🔸 Nausea, loss of appetite, fatigue similar to pregnancy symptoms 
🔸 Diarrhea or constipation 
🔸 Abdominal pain, bloating 
🔸 Black tongue or black stools 
🔸 Upper respiratory tract infection 
🔸 Loss of taste or metallic taste in the mouth 
🔸 Insomnia, paresthesia (tingling sensations) 

These side effects, although uncomfortable, are generally not dangerous and will subside after the treatment course is completed. 


To make the treatment process more bearable, you can try the following methods: 

🔹 Stay calm: These side effects are common and not dangerous. This can help you reduce anxiety and remain calm when encountering these symptoms. 
🔹 Consult your doctor if you experience constipation, diarrhea, or nausea to get additional medications for symptom relief. 
🔹 Drink plenty of water. 
🔹 Suck on mint candies, salted plums, or chew gum to alleviate the discomfort from a bitter or metallic taste in your mouth. 
🔹 Avoid alcohol during treatment. 
🔹 The black tongue and black stools will disappear once the treatment is completed. 
🔹 Rest more. 

👉 If you encounter any side effects during treatment, talk to your doctor and strictly adhere to the treatment regimen to ensure the best results and avoid antibiotic resistance! 

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