H.pylori can cause peptic ulcers and increase the risk of stomach cancer, in addition, it can cause gastrointestinal disorders in the gastrointestinal tract even though examination does not detect any damage, it can also cause unexplained anemia and idiopathic thrombocytopenia.
8/24/2023 11:00:50 AM
What harm can H.pylori bacteria do to the human body?
H.pylori can cause peptic ulcers and increase the risk of stomach cancer, in addition, it can cause gastrointestinal disorders in the gastrointestinal tract even though examination does not detect any damage, it can also cause unexplained anemia and idiopathic thrombocytopenia.
So the question is do we all need treatment when infected with H.pylori?
“NEED” or “DO NOT NEED” treatment for HP infection?
In a country with living characteristics and genetic factors with a high risk of stomach cancer and with abundant economic resources such as: Korea, Japan, or some peninsulas in Taiwan, they practice conducting a search and eradication campaign for H.pylori for all populations.
However, the latest general consensus of Gastroenterology associations in the world and Vietnam, including the United States, only tests for H.pylori when we have the following problems:
Family close by blood (father, mother, siblings) or living partner with a history of cancer or stomach cancer.
Patients who wish to be treated for H.pylori despite thorough counseling is not necessary treatment.
Therefore, we should not be too worried, leading to widespread testing and treatment of H.pylori leading to antibiotic resistance and unnecessary worry.
Hope CarePlus's article provides you with the most useful information. If you have any of the above symptoms, take the initiative to schedule an early visit at CarePlus so that experienced doctors can diagnose and intervene as soon as possible.