Symptoms and causes of congenital heart defects in children

Some congenital heart defects in children are simple and do not require treatment. Others are more complicated and may require multiple surgeries over several years. Learning about congenital heart defects in babies helps you understand the condition properly and know what to expect in the future.

Symptoms and causes of congenital heart defects in children



Severe congenital heart defects often become apparent soon after birth or within the first few months of life. Signs and symptoms may include:

  • Light grey or purplish skin colour
  • Fast breathing
  • Swelling in the legs, abdomen or areas around the eyes
  • Shortness of breath while feeding leads to poor weight gain

May not diagnose less serious congenital heart defects until a child is a little older because the child does not have any noticeable symptoms. Signs and symptoms that are apparent in older children include:

  • Being easily short of breath during exercise or activity
  • Get tired quickly during exercise or activity
  • Fainting during exercise or activity
  • Swelling in the hands, ankles or feet


a. How does the heart work?

The heart is divided into four hollow chambers, two on the right and two on the left. To pump blood around the body, the heart uses the left and right sides for different tasks.

The right side of the heart moves blood to the lungs through the pulmonary artery. The blood picks up oxygen in the lungs then returns to the left heart through the pulmonary veins. Then, the left side of the heart pumps blood up the aorta and to the rest of the body.

b. How do heart defects develop?

During the first six weeks of pregnancy, the heart begins to form and begins to function. Major blood vessels to and from the heart also begin to develop during this crucial time of pregnancy.

That's the time during a baby's development when heart defects can begin to form and develop. Scientists are still working on what causes most of these defects. Still, They suggest that genetics, certain medical conditions, medications, and environmental factors, such as smoking, may play a role.

c. Types of heart defects

There are different types of congenital heart defects, the most common being the following:

Atrioventricular septum defect

It is a heart defect in which there is a hole between the right and left chambers of the heart, and the valves that control the flow of blood between the sections of the heart may not be fully formed.

Blood flow is impeded

When blood vessels or heart valves are narrowed because of a heart defect, the heart has to pump more blood, which leads to the dilation of the chambers and thickening of the heart's walls. Examples of this type of defect are pulmonary valve stenosis or coarctation of the aorta.

Abnormal blood vessels

Some congenital heart defects occur when the blood vessels to and from the heart do not form completely or are not correct. A defect called transposition of the great arteries occurs when the pulmonary artery and the aorta are at each other's positions.

A condition called coarctation of the aorta occurs when the aorta that supplies blood to the body narrows. The abnormal pulmonary venous return occurs when the pulmonary veins do not return blood to the correct location in the left atrium but into another strange place.

Abnormal heart valves

If the heart valves cannot open and close correctly, blood cannot flow smoothly. An example of this type of defect is called Ebstein's defect. In Ebstein's defect, the tricuspid valve - located between the right atrium and right ventricle - is abnormal and causes severe tricuspid regurgitation.

Another example is pulmonary stenosis, in which the pulmonary valve is hypoplastic, causing reduced blood flow to the lungs.

Single-ventricular heart

Sometimes a ventricular chamber of the heart is not fully developed. For example, in hypoplastic left heart syndrome, the left side of the heart has not developed enough to pump enough blood to the body effectively.

Combination of multiple malformations

Some babies are born with multiple heart defects at the same time. Tetralogy of Fallot is a combination of four defects: a septal defect between the heart's ventricles, stenosis of the right ventricular ejection fraction, a riding aorta, and right ventricular hypertrophy.


Most congenital heart defects are caused by problems in early childhood heart development with no known cause. However, several environmental and genetic risk factors may play a role, including:

  • Having Rubella (German measles) during pregnancy
  • Have diabetes
  • Taking certain medications during pregnancy
  • Drinking alcohol while pregnant
  • Smoking while pregnant
  • Genetics


Some potential complications that can occur with congenital heart defects include:

Congestive heart failure

This serious complication can develop in babies with severe heart defects. Signs of congestive heart failure include rapid breathing, frequent panting, and poor weight gain.

Slower growth rate

Children with more severe congenital heart defects often develop and grow more slowly than children without heart defects. They may be smaller than other children of the same age, and if the nervous system has been affected, they learn to walk and talk later than other children.

Heart rhythm problems

Heart rhythm problems (arrhythmias) can be caused by congenital heart defects or by scarring that forms after surgery to correct a congenital heart defect.


If a heart defect causes oxygen-poor blood to mix with oxygen-rich blood in the baby's heart, the baby's heart may appear pale, and a condition called cyanosis.


Although uncommon, some children with congenital heart defects have an increased risk of stroke because a blood clot travels through a hole in the heart and up to block a blood vessel in the brain.

Mental development problems

Some children with congenital heart defects may have psychological problems due to activity limitations or learning difficulties.

Lifetime follow-up required

Children with heart defects should be aware of heart problems throughout their lives, as heart defects can lead to an increased risk of infective endocarditis, heart failure, or heart valve problems. Most children with congenital heart defects need to see a cardiologist regularly throughout their lives.


Since the exact cause of most congenital heart defects is unknown, it may not be possible to prevent these conditions completely. However, there are some things you can do to reduce your baby's risk of having a congenital disability, such as:

Get vaccinated against rubella (German measles)

Rubella infection during pregnancy can affect the baby's heart development. Vaccinations must be given at least three months before you plan to conceive.

Manage chronic medical conditions

If you have diabetes, controlling your blood sugar can reduce your risk of heart defects. If you have other chronic conditions, such as epilepsy, that require medication, discuss the risks and benefits of these medications with your doctor.

Avoid harmful substances

During pregnancy, let someone else paint and clean with strong-smelling substances. Also, do not take any medications, herbs, or supplements without consulting your doctor first. Never smoke or drink alcohol while pregnant.

Take a multivitamin with folic acid

Taking 400 micrograms of folic acid daily has been shown to reduce the risk of congenital disabilities in the brain and spinal cord and help minimise congenital heart defects.

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