Pleural effusion (fluid in the lungs), ascites (fluid in the stomach area), hypotension (low blood pressure)
Diagnosed by the MAC-ELISA test
There is currently no cure for dengue fever
Treatment for dengue fever involves trying to relieve the symptoms
Stay hydrated, sleep enough and relieve the fever
There is a vaccine but only for those over 9 years old
Fast facts in Vietnam
Artemisinin resistance is increasing
Most cases and deaths are in the Coastal Middle and the Central Highlands
Transmitted by the female anopheles mosquito
Infected blood used in a blood transfusion and organ donation
Mother to child transmission
Blood injections
Depending upon the type of malaria, immune system, and the health of spleen
Symptoms usually begin seven to eighteen days after infection. However, those who have taken prophylaxis (medication to prevent infection) may not show symptoms until a year has passed, and sometimes longer.
High temperature. The temperature may reach as high as 40°C (104 °F).
Sweats and chills
Muscle pains
Nausea and vomitting
Severe symptoms may include disorientation, liver failure, kidney failure, respiratory failure, coagulopathy
Diagnosed by the blood film test
Treatments involving trying to relieve the symptoms and complications
There is a vaccine but only experimental for the time being
Fresh, clean environment, removing standing water, damp areas,... which are reproductive environments for mosquitoes
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