Oral Thrush In Babies Oral thrush is very common in babies under one year old. It isn’t anything to worry about. Sometimes it doesn’t even make babies uncomfortable.
5 Dangerous Infectious Diseases in Children Bộ Y tế khuyến cáo các bệnh truyền nhiễm bao gồm: sốt xuất huyết, sởi, cúm A, viêm đường hô hấp và tay chân miệng đang có xu hướng gia tăng trở lại trong những tuần gần đây. Ba mẹ cần lưu tâm ngay đến những triệu chứng của bệnh, bình tĩnh nhận diện đúng để có hướng chăm sóc và điều trị phù hợp.
IS IT SAFE TO LOSE WEIGHT TOO QUICKLY? It's really hard to resist the allure of rapid weight loss methods. However, applying them over the long term can pose serious health risks. Learn about the risks of rapid weight loss in the article below!
TREATMENT WOULD BECAUSE OF ROVE BEETLES The "Rove Beetle" has become the most talked-about pest during this changing season. Residents of apartment buildings and students living in dormitories have been particularly affected by these tiny invaders recently. So, what should you do to prevent skin inflammation caused by rove beetle bites, especially during this rainy season? And how should it be treated correct
Q&A with the Doctor: Dengue Fever and What You Might Not Know! Although dengue fever is not a new disease, many parents still feel anxious about it, especially now that the rainy season has begun, creating ideal conditions for the Dengue mosquito to spread the disease rapidly.
ABNORMAL SIGNS IN THE STOMACH EARLY SCREENING NEEDED According to the 2022 GLOBOCAN statistics, gastrointestinal cancer accounts for over 30% of cancer cases in Vietnam. However, early symptoms are often vague and develop silently, making them easy to overlook or mistake for other digestive disorders, leading to late detection.