Rectal Endoscopy

Rectal Endoscopy


The rectum is the final part of the large intestine, approximately 20 to 30 cm in length. It serves as the connection between the anus and the colon. The main function of the rectum is to store waste and, through bowel movements, expel feces through the anus. Rectal endoscopy is a safe procedure that allows direct observation of the rectal mucosa using a flexible tube with a camera attached at the end, which is inserted through the anus. Through the images on the endoscopy machine, doctors can see, classify the level of damage, and accurately diagnose the appropriate treatment methods as well as directly intervene in the damage. Endoscopy can help doctors detect very small lesions, only a few millimeters, that other methods like ultrasound, CT, MRI, and X-rays might miss.


Rectal endoscopy is indicated for patients suspected of having gastrointestinal issues (anus, rectum, etc.). For each case, the doctor will consider the patient's health status and related issues to recommend endoscopy.

  • The recommended age for individuals in the average risk group to start screening for cancer is currently 35 - 45 years.
  • Having family members (grandparents, parents, siblings) with gastrointestinal diseases such as esophageal cancer, stomach cancer, colorectal cancer, or multiple polyps in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Experiencing symptoms such as mucus in stool, bloody stool (especially if hemorrhoids or colon tumors are suspected), unexplained weight loss, changes in bowel habits, anemia, etc.
  • Abnormal images on colon X-rays or ultrasound.
  • Indications for intervention treatment or follow-up after treatment.


It can survey benign conditions in the lower gastrointestinal tract such as hemorrhoids, anal fissures, anal fistulas, rectal ulcers, rectal diverticula, Crohn's disease, and monitor the progression of diseases in cases that have undergone surgery in the anorectal area.


Before Rectal Endoscopy:

  • The doctor examines and requires the patient to perform some necessary tests before the endoscopy.
  • The patient should clearly inform the doctor about their medical history and medications they are currently using.
  • The patient should also inform the doctor if they are pregnant or suspect they might be pregnant.
  • The patient is instructed to "take bowel cleansing medication" before the endoscopy.

During Rectal Endoscopy:

  • The patient is instructed to lie on their left side with their legs bent up close to the abdomen.
  • The doctor will administer an anesthetic to minimize discomfort during the endoscopy.
  • The doctor will insert the endoscope into the rectum through the anus and then pump air into the rectum to inflate it, making observation easier.
  • During the endoscopy, the patient might feel discomfort and abdominal pain. The patient should stay calm, lie still, and breathe deeply. This discomfort will disappear after the endoscopy ends.
  • The rectal endoscopy process usually takes 30 - 60 minutes, depending on the specific condition of each patient.

After Rectal Endoscopy:

  • The patient is monitored until they are fully alert.
  • Post-endoscopy symptoms may include a dull ache in the abdomen, bloating, and the urge to defecate but being unable to do so. If polyps were removed or biopsies taken, there might be small blood streaks in the stool. These are normal symptoms and will quickly disappear, so the patient should not worry. However, if serious symptoms such as fever, dizziness, severe abdominal pain, or heavy bleeding occur, the patient should immediately inform medical staff.
  • Once fully alert, the patient meets with the doctor to review the endoscopy results, receive prescriptions, and schedule follow-up appointments (if necessary), and is given guidance on diet and health monitoring.
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