Environmental affects on heart health

We all know that polluted air affects the lungs. However, there is growing evidence that there is an association between air pollution and cardiovascular disease.

Environmental affects on heart health


According to the World Health Organization compiled from recent studies, air pollution is linked to about a quarter of cardiovascular disease and stroke deaths. Regular and long-term exposure to polluted air increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke by 10-20%. On days when smog was high in some major cities, higher heart attack rates and stroke were observed than on days with better air.

Exhaust gas and dust from vehicles, factories, cooking from coal stoves, fires are the causes of spreading fine dust particles of tiny size, accompanied by toxic gases such as SO2, NO2, CO that will follow. Air enters the lungs, contact with blood vessels, and affects the entire cardiovascular system. These substances cause an inflammatory response, promote atherosclerosis, increase the risk of blood clot formation, and promote some adverse changes in the structure of the heart. The dangerous problem is that we are still exposed to a smoky atmosphere every day, cannot see harmful particles as small as 1/30 of a hair, and the consequences often take place silently for a while long time.

Big problems such as limiting emissions, planting forests are often national in scope, but individual can reduce the harmful effects of air pollution in the following ways.

1️. Do not use tobacco as well as mobilize people around not to smoke

Tobacco smoke with more than 5000 harmful toxins accumulated for a long time in enclosed spaces in the house is an essential source of air pollution.

2️. Reduce time spent on the street during rush hour

Fine dust tends to increase during peak hours due to heavy traffic. It is possible to arrange to get to work earlier or choose roads with less traffic. This not only reduces traffic jams but also reduces smog.

3️. You can consider using an N95 type mask to filter out dust

However, it needs to be carefully considered, especially in patients with cardiovascular disease. The reason is that the N95 type worn properly will feel a bit suffocated. If you wear it and breathe comfortably normally, you may not wear it properly.

4️. Actively monitor smog indicators using mobile apps (e.g. AirVisual)

5️. Exercise regularly

Exercise helps to increase the body's resistance. It is possible to prioritize practice in the early morning to minimize dust. Choose a place to practice in a park with lots of trees separate from traffic, or at least an area with little traffic. On a day with a lot of pollution, you can practise indoor sports.

6️. Eat healthily

Limit bad foods such as greasy, fatty, canned food, red meat. Vegetables and fruits are naturally rich in antioxidants that help reduce the vascular damage of substances from air pollution. Drink enough water.

In addition, planting more trees and cleaning houses and living environments are ways to improve air quality. At the weekend, you can go with your family to the countryside or suburbs (of course, after the epidemic is okay) to increase your exposure time to fresh air. Regular exercise, healthy eating, and early detection of cardiovascular risk factors are more important for a healthy heart.

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