In today's dynamic economic landscape, employees seek more than just competitive salaries. Comprehensive healthcare benefits and a supportive work environment have become increasingly important. Discover CarePlus's tailored corporate healthcare solutions designed to boost your workforce productivity.


9/13/2024 10:04:46 AM

Not just about salary and bonuses, employees are increasingly seeking more practical benefits in a positive work environment. Among these, what were once considered "extras" such as periodic health check-ups and mental wellness care are now top priorities, especially in today’s volatile economy. So, what should HR leaders do to maintain benefits and optimize the employee experience? Let’s explore solutions for workforce healthcare to maximize productivity with CarePlus International Clinics in the article below! 

 1/ Employee Health Status in Q2/2024 

According to internal statistics, in Q2/2024, CarePlus noted that employees from participating companies undergoing periodic health check-ups had high rates of dental and eye issues. 

 - Oral Health Issues: 

Among the total employees having health screening at CarePlus, 93% were found to have dental problems. Most of these cases involved gingivitis, tooth decay, or unerupted wisdom teeth that need early treatment to prevent complications like tooth decay, infection, or bite misalignment. 

 - Eye & ENT Issues: 

 As most corporate employees receiving medical examination at CarePlus during this period were office workers, eye-related disorders such as myopia, astigmatism, dry eyes, and screen-induced visual syndrome were still prevalent at 71%. 

Additionally, from April to July, thanks to more stable weather conditions, the incidence of ENT diseases dropped to 43%. However, it’s still advisable to wear a mask when outdoors, quit smoking (if applicable), and maintain daily ear-nose-throat hygiene. Getting flu vaccination is also an effective preventative measure. 

- Overweight & Obesity: 

In Q2/2024, of the total employees screened, 72% had a normal BMI, 5% were underweight, and 23% were classified as overweight or obese. Notably, 5% had a BMI > 30 (obesity level 2 or higher) and needed consultations with a nutritionist for personalized dietary and exercise plans. 

 - Hypertension: 

Hypertension accounted for 9%, a 2% increase from Q1/2024, mainly due to stress from work-life pressures, white-coat syndrome, or hypertension-related diseases. These cases need regular consultation and monitoring by a specialist. This is also a warning sign of workplace stress that lmanagers should be mindful of. 

 - Breast Lesions: 

 According to imaging results, 17% of female employees participating in periodic check-ups at CarePlus were found to have breast lesions. Regular monitoring with an Obstetrics and Gynecology doctor, and procedures like ultrasounds, mammograms (for breast lesions), and biopsies (for both breast and thyroid lesions) will help provide more accurate diagnoses.  

2/ Optimize Employee Health for Maximum Productivity with CarePlus Corporate Healthcare Program 

Investing in employee health is an investment in the future development of your business. With a comprehensive periodic screening program and engaging talk shows on wellness and emotional balance, we help employees detect potential health risks early to plan timely treatments. Moreover, these initiatives help alleviate workplace stress, thus boosting morale, increasing productivity, and fostering a healthier, happier work environment. 

 2.1/ Organizing Periodic Health Check-ups for Employees 

Conducting regular health screenings for employees is not only a corporate social responsibility but also a humane act, reflecting the leadership’s long-term vision by investing in the root of the company—its people. 

According to the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), "88% of employees select healthcare benefits as the most attractive perk." Periodic health check-ups bring tangible benefits to both employees and companies. First, it helps employees understand their health status and detect underlying medical issues for timely treatment. Secondly, it demonstrates the leadership’s care and respect for their workforce, encouraging employees to remain loyal to the company for the long term. 

Alongside ensuring physical well-being, these check-ups also improve morale, motivate employees to work harder, enhance performance, and reduce sick leave. Ultimately, offering regular health screening is a positive highlight that helps build a strong corporate image, aiding in talent retention and attraction. 

Every year, CarePlus collaborates with over 1,000 companies to organize and manage periodic health check-ups, with 98% of customers rating our services as satisfactory: 

 🔸 A team of over 200 experienced and dedicated specialists; 

 🔸 State-of-the-art equipment and labs at each branch; 

 🔸 Professional examination processes with Singapore standards; 

 🔸 Health packages tailored to the company’s needs and budget; 

 🔸 Easy management of employee health check-up progress via the Health Check Dashboard; 

 🔸 Quick and secure appointment booking and access to health records on the CarePlus Vietnam app; 

 🔸 Save time with clinics conveniently located near residential and work areas (D1, D7 and Tan Binh Disctric; 

 🔸 Convenient payment through partnerships with all domestic and international insurance companies; 

 🔸 Corporate health and wellness talk shows on both physical and mental health topics. 

2.2/ Organizing Physical & Mental Health Workshops and Talk Shows 

According to the 2024 Workplace Health Report from Champion Health and insights shared by mental health specialists at CarePlus International Clinics: Workplace stress can lead to decreased productivity, higher turnover rates, and ultimately impact the company’s development. 

Causes of stress may include workload, lack of control over tasks, lack of support, senior management, colleagues, insufficient training, job stability, commuting issues, or bullying. Therefore, taking care of employees' mental and physical well-being is essential for retaining talent in all circumstances, especially in today’s turbulent economic climate. 

Aiming to build a positive work environment, CarePlus regularly partners with businesses to organize physical and mental health workshops. These activities not only provide disease prevention knowledge but also offer leaders insights into the challenges employees face, allowing them to offer timely and appropriate support. 

Topics are carefully selected to suit industry needs and are presented by experienced doctors, experts, and speakers. 

 Topics of interest to office employees include: 

 - Common musculoskeletal disorders in office workers and effective prevention methods; 

 - Solutions to improve mental health and create a positive work environment; 

 - Nutrition plans for office workers, athletes, and individuals with chronic diseases; 

 - Knowledge about STDs and early screening methods. 

Besides salary and bonuses, healthcare benefits are another crucial factor businesses should focus on to build team cohesion. Helping employees achieve a balance between health and work creates the best conditions for them to concentrate, increase productivity, and strengthen their loyalty to the organization. 

2.3/ Quarterly Health Bulletin for Corporate Employees 

Each quarter, CarePlus publishes an e- health newsletter featuring the latest medical news, offering practical insights into workplace health and comprehensive solutions for both physical and mental employee well-being. 

In conclusion, optimizing workforce health is one of the key factors for maximizing work efficiency, providing a solid foundation for businesses to navigate market shifts, weather global recessions, and move forward into the future. 

CarePlus believes we will be your trusted healthcare partner in nurturing the golden health of your employees, contributing to maintaining a high-quality workforce, so your business can confidently grow and expand. 

For more information on corporate healthcare programs, please contact the Corporate Sales Department at or the free hotline: 1800 6116. 


Associate of Singapore Medical Group 

Hotline: 1800 6116    


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