Let register to attend the seminar "Health care for children in the bad weather"

The weather changes make the baby's body respond against because the child's resistance is still weak. The time of bad weather and the increasing of pollution in Ho Chi Minh City are opportunities for the disease to appear and penetrate easily into the child's body.

Let register to attend the seminar "Health care for children in the bad weather"

Start time: 2019-10-13 08:30:00
End time: 2019-10-13 11:00:00

10/4/2019 2:04:44 PM

In the current times, parents should pay more attention to the baby's health, and master the knowledge and skills to care for and prevent diseases to properly protect the child.

Understanding parents' concerns, Saigon Academy International Kindergarten System cooperates with #CarePlus International Clinic organizing the seminar program "HEALTH CARE FOR CHILDREN IN SUMMERTIME".

  • 8:30 am - 11:00 a.m., Sunday, October 13, 2019
  • Location: Saigon Academy Kindergarten, 27AB Tan Nhat Duat, Tan Dinh Ward, District 1, City. HCM City


  • Specialist Doctor 1 - Department of Pediatrics CarePlus
  • Specializes in examination, counseling and treatment of pediatric diseases, kidney and endocrine diseases in children
  • Achieved postgraduate certificate in Pediatrics in Sydney (Australia)
  • Speaker of many seminars, child health care programs

GIFTS: CarePlus teddy bear for attending customers


CAREPLUS INTERNATIONAL CLINIC - Member of Singapore Medical Group

  • Branch 1: 107 Tan Hai, Ward 13, Tan Binh District (Next to E. Down)
  • Branch 2: 2nd floor, Crescent Plaza Building, 105 Ton Dat Tien, Tan Phu Ward, District 7 (near Crescent Plaza)

Free Hotline: 18006116; Website:

List of insurance companies affiliated with direct payment at CarePlus:

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