Best late-night snacks when watching live football games

Euro 2021 has officially opened, which means that the sleepless nights of the fans will continue throughout the next month. Watching football is an exciting thing that no one wants to ignore, young and old. However, how to satisfy your pleasure and at the same time ensure your health after many sleepless nights because the matches almost always take place late at night?

Best late-night snacks when watching live football games


Dr Phung Ngoc Minh Tan, Cardiology Department of CarePlus International Clinic, has an article to share small tips to help you maintain a healthy diet, especially late at night.

To date, there hasn't been enough research with enough direct, definite, strong evidence that late-night eating is harmful. The studies were either in mice or chimpanzees, either study of blood hormones alone (indirect evidence), or studies with a limited number of participants.

In fact, according to the researchers, the link between dinner time and problems like weight gain, sugar gain, and fat gain must also take into account the influence of eating habits. These are the following factors:

1. Type of food

Watching football, eating instant noodles, popcorn, cakes, pastries, and drinking soft drinks is harmful, of course. It does not need to stay up late, and eating is not beneficial.

2. Uncontrollable tendency to overeat

We were eating while watching TV is like eating popcorn and watching a movie. We are not hungry, but we eat unconsciously, eating to have something to make us mouthless. If you do not eat more than the pre-limited number of calories, you cannot gain weight.

3. Not preparing food

Late at night, the only food available in the house is most convenient. If we don't prepare healthy food, we can easily tear a bag of bread, devour a bag of chips or put a bowl of instant noodles upside down. These are all foods high in starch and harmful fats.

Should prepare healthy snacks such as fibrous fruits (guavas, plums, grapefruits, apples, avocados), egg whites, shredded boiled chicken breast, chestnuts, almonds, etc. into many small parts.

When you feel hungry, try drinking water to see if your hunger is gone (about one-third of people mistake thirst for hunger when staying up late). If you are still hungry, get up and go to the refrigerator to get a ready-made meal. Only one portion every 20 minutes. With this method, you control the amount of food, choose only beneficial foods, move around, and have 20 minutes to feel full after eating.

4. Limit stimulants such as alcohol, coffee, solid tea, spices. Only drink filtered water

Insomnia after the game will upset the rhythm of life, disrupt the secretion of hormones, even make you more hungry when you climb into bed.

In summary, the direct link between the timing of meals and poor health is currently not strong enough scientific evidence. The advice is that you should pay attention to the number of calories and the type of food is much more critical. Do not use stimulants, and try to go to bed right after the game so that you can enjoy a happy, healthy football season.

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