In order to provide a new perspective on the importance of physical and mental wellbeing in the workplace, while also proposing timely care solutions, CarePlus conducts the Q2/2024 employee health assessment with the latest information.


7/12/2024 11:34:27 AM

It can be said that the challenge for HR managers during a global recession is not only to maintain a stable workforce but also to ensure that employees are contributing to the company in the best possible physical and mental well-being. With the aim of providing a new perspective on workplace health and proposing timely care solutions, CarePlus has conducted a health status survey of corporate employees for the second quarter of 2024. 

1/ Corporate employee health status for the second quarter of 2024 

Caring for workforce's health is not only a social responsibility but also a sustainable strategy for maintaining and developing a business. To provide timely support for employees, we invite you to refer to the quarterly health status statistics of corporate employees undergoing regular health check-ups at CarePlus from April to June 2024. 

1.1/ Oral Health Issues 

Oral health issues accounted for 93% of the employees undergoing regular health check-ups at CarePlus, making it the most common problem in both the second and first quarters of 2024. Among these, gingivitis and tooth decay are the most frequently encountered problems. 

1.2/ ENT and Eye Conditions 

In the second quarter of 2024, the incidence of ENT (ear, nose, and throat) problems decreased to around 43%, thanks to more stable weather conditions. However, eye-related disorders (refractive errors, dry eye, computer vision syndrome), etc.) remained high, reaching up to 71%, as the majority of those seeking health check-ups at CarePlus are office workers. 

1.3/ Metabolic-Related Health Issues 

Metabolic-related health issues are also a noteworthy factor in the health status statistics of corporate employees for the second quarter of 2024. Specifically, dyslipidemia accounted for 56% (an increase of 6% compared to the first quarter), fatty liver disease accounted for 27% (an increase of 5% compared to the first quarter), elevated liver enzymes accounted for 18% (an increase of 2% compared to the first quarter), and hyperglycemia accounted for 7% (a decrease of 3% compared to the first quarter). 

  • Overweight and Obesity 

According to CarePlus doctors, the rate of overweight and obesity is increasing over time. Specifically, in the second quarter: in addition to 72% of employees having a normal BMI, 5% were underweight, and 23% were in the overweight and obese category. Notably, employees with a BMI >30 (obesity grade 2 or higher) accounted for 5%. 

  • Hypertension 

In the second quarter, the rate of hypertension was 9%, an increase of 2% compared to the first quarter. This includes cases of hypertension due to work-related stress, white coat syndrome (elevated blood pressure when visiting a doctor or unfamiliar places like clinics and hospitals), or pathological hypertension. These cases require close monitoring and specific consultation from specialists. 

1.4/ Breast lesions in Female Employees 

Among the total number of employees participating in routine check-ups at CarePlus in the second quarter of 2024, 37% were female with 23% being women over 40 years old. Notably, 17% of female employees were found to have breast lesions. 

Additionally, 4% of female employees were diagnosed with uterine fibroids. Although this is a benign condition, regular monitoring by a gynecologist and undergoing ultrasound are crucial to ensure stable health and detect any risks. 

2/ Prevention and improvement of common health issues in employees 

To prevent and improve common health issues in the workplace, please consider the following advice from CarePlus doctors. 

2.1/ Dental Health Issues 

Don't forget to brush your teeth at least twice a day and undergo dental cleaning/check-ups every 6 months. This not only helps remove plaque but also prevents cavities and other dental diseases. Especially if you have wisdom teeth, consider early extraction to avoid complications such as cavities, infections, or bite misalignment. 

2.2/ Eye Conditions  

To minimize eye-related problems, start by maintaining a proper sitting posture, avoid stooping to look at screens, and ensure adequate lighting in the workspace. Additionally, take breaks to rest your eyes during spare time. Moreover, a diet rich in vitamin A and Omega-3, along with daily use of artificial tears, can help reduce eye regulation disorders. Importantly, regular eye exams every 6-12 months can early detect eye diseases, thus protecting overall vision health. 

2.3/ ENT Health Issues 

ENT health issues are often influenced by environmental pollution and smoke. To reduce symptoms and the risk of it, you should wear a mask whenever going outside, minimize or quit smoking, and maintain daily hygiene for your ears, nose, and throat. When experiencing unusual symptoms, visit an Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist for timely diagnosis and treatment. Additionally, getting flu vaccine is an effective way to prevent ENT problems. 

2.4/ Metabolic Health Issues 

For overweight and obesity, maintaining a healthy weight should always be a top priority. Changes in weight can affect the metabolism of substances such as fats and sugars, leading to risks of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Achieve weight loss goals with a balanced diet and consistent exercise regimen. For safe and effective weight management, you can seek guidance from CarePlus nutritionists with personalized nutritional recommendations and tailored workout plans. 

Moreover, cases of dyslipidemia, fatty liver disease, elevated liver enzymes, etc., should undergo health screenings every 6 months. Based on test results and clinical examinations, doctors will provide appropriate treatment plans tailored to individual health conditions, medical history, and disease severity. 

2.5/ Breast and Thyroid Lesions in Female Employees 

Most breast and thyroid lesions are detected through ultrasound. Depending on the severity, the risk of progression and the frequency of monitoring will vary. For those at high risk, mammography (for breast lesions) and biopsy (for both breast and thyroid lesions) provide more accurate diagnosis, leading to appropriate treatment strategies. Early monitoring and diagnosis are crucial factors in safeguarding health and preventing complications. 

3/ Solutions for Employee Health Care from CarePlus' Experts 

Good health plays a pivotal role in shaping employee performance. Healthy employees take fewer sick days, accomplish tasks with greater efficiency, and exhibit stronger resilience in high-pressure environments. 

3.1/ Organizing regular health screening program 

Investing in employee health is an investment in the business's sustainable future. Prioritizing employee well-being brings significant benefits: increased productivity, boosted morale among staff, and enhanced corporate image. These elements foster a productive and enduring work environment. 

Proudly serving as a trusted healthcare partner for over 1,000 corporations in Ho Chi Minh City, CarePlus offers: 

- Over 12 specialties (Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Gastroenterology, Dermatology, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Pediatrics, Dentistry, ENT, etc.). 

- More than 200 full-time doctors with degrees in Specialist level 1, Specialist level 2, MSc, Ph.D.  

98% of corporate partners are satisfied and maintain annual employee health check-ups at CarePlus due to the following factors: 

  - Dedicated consultations and thorough explanations are provided by experienced doctors. 

  - Modern equipment and laboratories at 3 branches ensure accurate lab test results and diagnostic imaging results. 

  - Health screening packages are tailored to match your business needs. 

  - Professional, time-efficient health screening procedure. 

  - Direct billing with all local and global insurance companies. 

  - Convenient access to clinics near your residential and workplace. 

  - Simplified organization and management of health screening process with the Health Check Dashboard. 

  - Auto appointment booking and secure medical record access via the CarePlus Vietnam app. 

  - Experience in organizing regular health check-ups for over 1,000 businesses per year. 

CarePlus not only strives to enhance service quality and customer experience but also pioneers in Vietnam with the development of the Health Check Dashboard—a tool designed to streamline corporate health screening process with standout features: 

- Monitoring the progress of employee health check-ups. 

- Providing email reminders to ensure timely completion. 

- Close tracking of contracts, payment processes, and invoices. 

A notable innovation is the CarePlus Vietnam app—a technological utility supporting both corporate and individual customer to quickly access health data post-visit: medical records (lab test results and diagnostic imaging results, prescriptions), vaccination records, video calls with doctors, and medication delivery. 

Regular health screening provides a comprehensive view of employee health, empowering businesses to plan timely support, and thereby reducing unnecessary healthcare costs and insurance claims. 

CarePlus is dedicated to collaborating with businesses to safeguard employee health and pave the way for future growth. 

3.2/ Focusing on mental health in the workplace 

Nowadays, leaders are increasingly realizing the profound connection between the mental well-being of their employees and the overall development of their businesses. 

In today's workforce, we see a dynamic blend of generations shaping corporate environments. Younger cohorts such as Gen Alpha and Gen Z are integrating into workplaces alongside older generations. Recent research underscores the critical role that mental health plays in shaping employee performance. According to LinkedIn's 2022 data, "66% of Gen Z professionals seek a company culture that prioritizes both physical and mental wellness." This highlights the importance of mental health as a cornerstone for sustainable productivity and peace of mind in the workplace. 

Recognizing the increasing need for mental health support in the workplace, CarePlus stands prepared to address all inquiries and offer comprehensive information about mental health care to our corporate partners. 

3.3/ Building team bonds through health talks 

Health talks focusing on mental and physical well-being offer employees the opportunity to share their challenges and gain valuable insights into maintaining and improving their health. 

As a trusted healthcare partner of over 1,000 businesses in Ho Chi Minh City, CarePlus regularly organizes medical seminars and health talks that provide practical benefits and promote positive impacts on community health.

Topics are carefully selected to align with professional fields and are presented by a team of experienced doctors and speakers: 

- Knowledge and prevention of common work-related diseases. 

- Suitable nutrition for office workers, sports enthusiasts, and individuals with chronic diseases. 

- Prevention of STDs and early screening methods. 

- Common musculoskeletal disorders and guidelines for prevention and treatment. 

- Mental health care solutions for employees. 

Through a comprehensive health care program, employee satisfaction and performance can be optimized, enabling corporations to retain talent, attract new candidates, and sustain long-term growth. 

CarePlus International Clinics delivers optimal workforce health care solutions, including regular health check-ups and engaging health talks. We also integrate the Health Check Dashboard and the CarePlus Vietnam app, ensuring our corporate partners can manage health screenings quickly and conveniently. 

If you need further information on the corporate healthcare program, please get in touch with Business Representative or free hotline 18006116. 


Associate of Singapore Medical Group 

Hotline: 1800 6116    


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