Things to know when performing gastroscopy

Gastroscopy is the best way to detect lesions and diagnose ulcers and cancer. So does gastroscopy hurt? How much?

Things to know when performing gastroscopy

8/9/2018 3:36:08 PM

Gastroscopy is the most effective method for detecting lesions in the stomach, diagnosing peptic ulcers and stomach cancer. Gastroscopy is often indicated widely, but patients should perform endoscopy at a reputable facility with a team of qualified doctors and modern equipment to ensure safety, limit complications, and avoid infection with some dangerous diseases. So how much does gastroscopy cost? Is there pain and what should be noted during gastroscopy?

1. What is gastroscopy?

Gastroscopy is a method of directly examining the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract consisting of the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum by passing a small flexible bronchoscope through the mouth. Small endoscope with illuminated, camera recording directly projected onto the screen. Because the bronchoscope can go deep into the gastrointestinal tract, the doctor can detect small lesions just a few millimeters inside the digestive system.

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The small, soft bronchoscope makes it easy to endoscopically without causing damage to the stomach lining

2. When do I need gastroscopy?

Patients are prescribed gastroscopy for the purposes of:

Diagnosis: Gastroscopy helps doctors diagnose pathology, determine the cause of symptoms of nausea, vomiting, flatulence, indigestion, difficulty swallowing, abdominal pain ... When necessary, the doctor can progress. perform a test during a colonoscopy:

  • Take a Clo-test to diagnose H. Pylori (HP) infection: Take a small sample of tissue where the inflammation or ulcer is to put in a bottle of Clo-test reagent, then observe the chemical's discoloration. If the reagent turns pink, the presence of HP bacteria is indicated, then the result is positive (+).

  • Biopsy for cancer: The doctor takes a small piece of tissue and looks at it under a microscope to show cancer cells if any. This biopsy is not painful or uncomfortable for the patient.

Treatment: With specialized instruments inserted through the endoscope, the doctor can treat gastrointestinal conditions such as gastrointestinal bleeding, gastrointestinal removal, polyphotectomy or dilated esophagus.

3. Does gastroscopy hurt? 

The colonoscopy is done by at least one doctor and one nurse. Patient lies in a left leaning position and holds a plastic tool to protect the mouth and keep the mouth open.

In the case of anesthesia endoscopy, the doctor injects an adequate amount of medication into a vein in the arm to help the patient experience a nap. Accordingly, the device to monitor breathing rate, blood pressure and heart rate is also mounted on the patient.

Currently there are 3 methods of gastroscopy. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages and is indicated in each specific disease case.

- Oral endoscopy

The patient will be given a medication to remove mucus from the mucosa, followed by an anesthetic spray in the mouth to reduce discomfort when the bronchoscope is inserted.

The doctor inserted the flexible bronchoscope from the oropharynx through the esophagus to the stomach. The image from the camera on the top of the endoscopic device is transmitted to the screen, the doctor can follow and make diagnoses upon. During the colonoscopy, the patient was unable to speak but was breathing normally.

Advantages and disadvantages of oral gastroscopy:

  • Advantages: Easy to carry, high precision, affordable, suitable for many subjects.

  • Cons: Some people experience discomfort, choking, or nausea. Just take a deep breath at this point, and exhale slowly to relieve the symptoms.

- Nasal endoscopy

The doctor injects an anesthetic into the nose to numb the nose and sprays an anesthetic into the mouth to numb the patient's throat. The bronchoscope with anesthetic applied is inserted through the nose into the back of the mouth, and the patient is asked to swallow it lightly. The bronchoscope continues to go through the esophagus and down the stomach, the camera will transmit the image to the external monitor, the doctor will monitor, if it detects that there is an abnormality, the doctor will take it again to check.

Advantages and disadvantages of nasal gastroscopy:

  • Advantages: Easy to implement, high precision, small diameter bronchoscope, causing less nausea and discomfort.

  • Cons: Not available if the patient has nasal diseases, nasal stenosis, and has a higher cost than oral gastroscopy.

- Anesthesia gastroscopy - no pain

In essence, this is an oral gastroscopy method, but the patient will be anesthetized, often prescribed by the doctor for those patients with psychological fear or request during endoscopy.

Advantages and disadvantages of anesthesia gastroscopy:

  • Advantages: Due to anesthesia, the patient will not feel uncomfortable, do not have dangerous actions such as struggling, pulling the bronchoscope (fearful mentally). The doctor can perform procedures such as removing foreign bodies, stopping bleeding ulcers, narrowing ... convenient and safe.

  • Cons: The cost is high, the procedure is complicated because it requires the assistance of an anesthetist and may need to perform some additional tests before the colonoscopy. In some cases, the patient feels tired, sleepy due to anesthesia ... should be closely monitored.

At the end of the endoscopy, the bronchoscope is gently withdrawn from the patient's mouth or nose. To prevent infection of certain diseases such as hepatitis, HIV or HP infection, instruments after the endoscopy are always washed and soaked in an antiseptic solution before reuse.

The entire colonoscopy procedure usually takes 10 - 15 minutes. Patients relax their body and feel comfortable during the endoscopy, the time of the procedure will be shorter. Gastroscopy is the least painful or painless method (anesthesia endoscopy), safe because it leaves no wounds on the body and complications are very rare.

4. Time to receive gastroscopy results

Usually, the doctor will return the results immediately after the colonoscopy. In the case of a Clo-test to diagnose HP infection, the patient will be scheduled 1-2 hours later. Biopsy results are available within 1-2 weeks. Patients can ask their doctor about the timing of their endoscopy and biopsy results.

The cost of gastroscopy is different depending on the medical facility that examines and provides endoscopic services (anesthesia and non-anesthesia). However, the average price of endoscopy services at CarePlus fluctuates around:

Endoscopy without pain of esophagus - stomach - duodenum: VND 2,600,000

Endoscopic anesthesia of esophagus - stomach - duodenum: VND 1,000,000 - VND 1,800,000.

CarePlus performs safe, painless, and effective anesthetic and endoscopic procedures. The doctor will advise and prescribe the appropriate method for each specific case.

6.Why painless endoscopy at CarePlus?

Doctor - Doctor Nguyen Huy Bang is performing painless endoscopy at CarePlus Clinic District 1.

  •     CarePlus is equipped with a system of modern endoscopic equipment from Japan to support experienced and specialized doctors, help detect suspected lesions, and help customers achieve the best treatment results.
  •     The endoscopy area is guaranteed to follow absolute sterilization standards for maximum customer safety.
  •     CarePlus staff is dedicated to guiding and taking care of the painless endoscopy process, bringing comfort and convenience to each customer, helping to ensure a speedy recovery.

6. Who SHOULD and SHOULD NOT have a gastroscopy?

Subjects should have gastroscopy:

  • People with unusual symptoms such as chest pain, epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting, belching, indigestion, black stools, bloody discharge ...

  • Patients with chronic gastritis should have periodic gastroscopy (2 times / year), mild and moderate gastritis should endoscopy every 3 years.

  • Subjects have an unhealthy lifestyle, often smoke, drink alcohol or beer.

  • Someone who has a loved one with stomach diseases, especially stomach cancer, and also found abnormalities in the upper abdomen.

  • Screening for early detection of stomach and esophageal cancer.

When doctors prescribe an endoscopy, patients should cooperate enthusiastically. Gastroscopy is a fairly safe procedure, widely used, so the patient does not need to worry too much. After a period of treatment, the patient should be re-endoscopy to evaluate the results.

Subjects should not have gastroscopy:

Currently gastroscopy has no absolute contraindications. However, the doctor may delay the colonoscopy if he suspects that the patient:

  • Burns caused by acid ingestion

  • Stomach perforation or perforation elsewhere in the digestive tract

  • Heart failure, myocardial ischemia, myocardial infarction.

  • Respiratory failure

  • Large aortic vesicles or a hernia sac in the esophagus

  • Have a mental illness that is not coordinated

  • Just eaten.

7. Notes before and after gastroscopy

- Note before the procedure:

  • Fast for at least 8 hours before the colonoscopy, to prevent vomiting, protect the airways, and help the doctor clearly see if the stomach lining is damaged or not.

  • Do not drink colored liquids such as milk, orange juice, coca cola, coffee ... should only drink water with a small amount.

  • Do not use gastric mucosa drugs such as Gastropulgit, Phosphalugel ... before endoscopy.

  • If you have a history of cardiovascular, respiratory (asthma), kidney disease or allergies, consult your doctor.

  • Should inform the doctor about the medicines you are taking.

- Note after the colonoscopy:

  • The patient should rest briefly before leaving.

  • Common problems: sore throat, difficulty swallowing, abdominal pain, bloating in mild severity and gradually decrease during the day.

  • Rinse mouth clean, but do not spit.

  • Do not eat or drink anything 1 hour after the colonoscopy or before your doctor's evaluation.

  • About 2 hours after the colonoscopy, the patient can eat soft, liquid, easily digested foods, use cold milk, should not drink hot milk that can damage the stomach.To ensure the endoscopy process is convenient and safe, patients should look to a reputable medical facility with a team of qualified doctors and modern equipment.

To register for gastroscopy at CarePlus, please contact the Hotline Hotline: 1800 6116 or Tan Binh Clinic:

Address: 107 Tan Hai, Ward 13, Tan Binh District, HCMC

Telephone: 028 7300 3223.

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