Start time: 2019-06-08 09:00:00
End time: 2019-06-08 10:30:00
5/20/2019 11:12:07 AM
CarePlus Minigame "On this 8th of March, I'll..."
1/17/2018 1:48:13 PM
Livestream "Hello Summer, Hello Mr. Diarrhea"
6/27/2018 2:43:58 PM
How to take care of F0 & F1 quarantine at home
7/19/2021 2:24:11 PM
To reduce pressure on hospitals and isolation areas, the Ministry of Health officially deployed F0 and F1 will isolate at home. Although this form is relatively new in Vietnam, it's applied during the outbreak in other countries worldwide, such as the US, UK, France, etc.
Online workshop: How to come to terms with your child being diagnosed with developmental delay?
9/13/2021 3:39:46 PM
Understanding that developmental delays are typically caused by factors beyond a family’s control, is essential to provide an early intervention evaluation so parents can see what is going on with their child. Special Em’s Education Center, coordinates with CarePlus International Clinics, officially introduces the Online Workshop: “HOW TO COME TO TERMS WITH YOUR CHILD BEING DIAGNOSED WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DELAY?”