Stress is caused by pressure in modern life, pressure from work or family, and when the disease manifests itself in pain, the patient goes to the doctor to find out that he has a stomach ulcer.
8/24/2023 10:40:34 AM
Why does stress cause stomach ulcers?
The stomach is an important part of the digestive system. Stress is believed to be one of the causes of stomach ulcers.
The digestive system is controlled by the enteric nervous system (vagus nerve or X-brain), a system of hundreds of millions of nerves that communicate with the central nervous system.
When stress triggers a response in your central nervous system, digestion can shut down because your central nervous system shuts off blood flow, affecting the contractions of the digestive muscles. digestion, and reduce secretions required for digestion.
Therefore, stress-stress can cause inflammation of the digestive system, and make this part more susceptible to infections, especially H.
Because of that, today, life has a lot of pressure, stress and fatigue ... making the rate of stomach ulcers become common.
According to research, in the United States, each year there are about 500,000 new cases of stomach ulcers with the number of patients over 4 million people and the incidence in the population is 1.5%.
According to researchers, in addition to peptic ulcers, stress also increases the risk of gastroesophageal reflux disease - oesophagitis. Excessive gastric contraction and abnormal gastric secretion will put pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter. Over time, this organ will weaken, causing gastric juice and food to back up instead of moving down the pylorus and duodenum.
In some cases, prolonged stress and strong emotions can lead to bleeding. The risk of stomach bleeding is significantly increased for people with pre-existing stomach conditions, alcohol use and anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition, people with a history of stomach bleeding will be at risk of recurrence if faced with persistent stress for a long time.