Proactively protect your health by injection

Proactively protect your health by injection

4/24/2020 4:12:38 PM

Annual statistics of the health sector show that chickenpox usually occurs between March and April of the year. We should note the following points to quickly reverse illness.

  • Chickenpox (or chickenpox) is an acute infectious disease capable of spreading rapidly, occurring in both adults and children.

  • The disease is at risk of becoming a major epidemic in the spring, with warm weather.

  • Chickenpox can cause many dangerous complications: pneumonia, encephalitis, blood infection in children. For pregnant women, it leaves defects in the fetus or possibly miscarriage. Therefore, the Chickenpox vaccine is the simplest and most effective way to prevent the disease.


  • Children from 12 months to 12 years: - First shot: When the child is 12 months old. - Second shot: At least 3 months away from 1st shot.

  • Adolescents from 13 years of age and older (Never had chickenpox disease) - Shot 1: First dose 0.5ml - Second shot: 4-8 weeks from the first one.

  • Women preparing for pregnancy: complete the injection schedule at least 3 months before getting pregnant.

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Immunization is a key component of primary health care and an indisputable human right. CarePlus offer vaccination services which are critical to the prevention and control of infectious-disease outbreaks

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