In children, the kidney-urinary organs are still in the process of maturation and adaptation, so adverse effects through food, drink, care regimen, etc., can affect the organ. In addition, genetic factors are also one of the causes of kidney-urinary diseases. Further, related to pediatric nephrology - urology, early puberty is also a concern to many parents.
Simple registration process:
Step 1: Please download CarePlus Vietnam app: Link IOS / Android:
Step 2: Customers should follow the easy instructions to create an account and schedule a quick appointment with the "Telemedicine."
Step 3: The CarePlus customer care team will accept customer appointments and make arrangements to contact a doctor.
Note:In case of a tight schedule, CarePlus will suggest a new appointment or change the doctor according to the customer's approval.
Step 4: Customers can make secure online payments through multiple payment gateway integrations like cards,net banking...
Step 5: Customer start the video call with doctor on the app
Step 6: The customer receives the medical record and, if applicable, the prescription after the call is finished in the "Health Records" section.