Ovarian cancer: Symptoms, causes and treatment

Ovarian cancer: Symptoms, causes and treatment

7/14/2021 4:44:18 PM


The article is advised by Dr. Phung Thi Phuong Chi

Early recognition of early signs of ovarian cancer, when the tumour has not metastasized, makes treatment less complicated, increasing the patient's chances of a healthy life.

Ovarian cancer is a dangerous disease that can occur at any age and cause high mortality, but it is tough to recognize. At the onset, the condition has a silent progression, with few initial symptoms, so women are often subjectively not examined, leading to many harmful consequences for health. What are the early warning signs of ovarian cancer?

1️. What is ovarian cancer?

Ovarian cancer is a condition in which malignant tumours form in one or both ovaries due to the abnormal growth of cells inside. If not treated in time, cancer cells will invade surrounding tissues and organs, lose the function of hormone production, egg cell production, and ovary pregnancy.

In the advanced stage, cancer cells metastasize through blood or lymphatic routes to many other body organs and form metastatic foci, seriously affecting the quality of life and life.

Types of ovarian cancer:

  • Carcinoma of the ovary (cancer that arises from the cells on the surface of the ovary).
  • Cancer arising from the genital cord stroma
  • Cancer comes from ovarian germ cells
  • Cancer metastasis to the ovary
  • Non-specific mesenchymal-derived cancer

2. Stages of ovarian cancer development

  • Stage 1: The tumour is still inside the ovary or fallopian tube, has not spread to other organs.
  • Stage 2: The tumour has begun to spread to nearby organs in the pelvis
  • Stage 3: The tumour has spread further, more significant than 2cm, may even have metastasized to distant organs located in the splenic cavity such as the surface of the liver, spleen, great omentum or abdominal lymph nodes
  • Stage 4: In the final stage, cancer has metastasized to many other organs such as the spleen, liver, lung, brain as well as lymph nodes in the upper clavicle or groin area. Treatment of the disease at this stage is tough and complicated.

3. Typical early warning signs of ovarian cancer

The earliest warning signs of ovarian cancer that women need to watch out for:

  • Digestive disorders such as nausea, bowel disturbances
  • Loss of appetite for a long time, feeling full even after eating very little
  • Persistent flatulence, lasting up to several weeks with bloating.
  • Difficulty urinating or change in urination habits
  • The body always feels tired.
  • Sudden weight loss without changing your diet or exercising to lose weight.
  • Unusual vaginal bleeding with persistent pelvic pain
  • Pain during sexual intercourse.
  • Unexplained pelvic pain with back pain

4. Causes of ovarian cancer

Currently, the cause of ovarian cancer is still unknown. However, many studies indicate that some of the following factors can increase the risk of the disease:

  • Mutations in BRCA1, BRCA2 genes cause breast and ovarian cancer in familial breast-ovarian cancer syndrome
  • Family history: Your risk is very high if you have a mother, sister or younger sister with ovarian cancer.
  • History of breast cancer, colon cancer.
  • Age: Women after the age of 50 have a high risk of ovarian cancer.
  • Pregnancy and childbirth: Women who have been pregnant and have given birth have a lower risk of ovarian cancer than women who have never given birth.
  • Use of drugs that stimulate ovulation.
  • Using talcum powder: Talcum powder is a mineral composed of magnesium, silicon and oxygen. This compound is often found in cosmetics, especially baby powder, because it keeps the skin dry and prevents rashes. However, if the female reproductive organs are exposed to talcum powder, it can increase the risk of tumour formation, ovarian cancer, etc.
  • Treatment of estrogen hormone replacement.

5️. Chances of living more than five years with ovarian cancer

If ovarian cancer is detected early and effectively treated from the early stages of tumour formation, the 5-year survival rate can be up to 95%. If the disease is detected at stage 2, the 5-year survival rate is only 70%. Stage 3 is 39%, and the chance of survival at the end-stage is meagre because the tumour has metastasized, is challenging to treat, and has low treatment efficiency.

Therefore, when there are any signs of ovarian cancer or high-risk subjects, it is advisable to proactively screen for cancer as soon as possible. Timely detection and treatment of ovarian cancer will bring efficiency and high chances of survival for patients.

6. Diagnosis and treatment of ovarian cancer

6.1. Diagnose

Medical devices used to diagnose ovarian cancer include:

  • Symptoms already present and clinical examination.
  • Imaging tests such as ultrasound, MRI, CT.
  • Blood tests. The most common is the surface antigen of ovarian carcinoma CA-125. In addition, there are also cancer markers for ovarian cancers with other histological types such as CEA, AFP, HCG...
  • Surgery to determine the histological stage of ovarian cancer

6.2. Treatment

Depending on the progression of the disease, the patient's health condition, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment method. Ovarian cancer is mainly treated with surgery, chemotherapy, and biological treatment.

In addition to the treatment according to the doctor's regimen, the patient needs:

  • On-time follow-up.
  • Follow your doctor's orders. Do not arbitrarily take drugs that are not prescribed or quit prescribed drugs.
  • Eat healthily, eat lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, reduce fat, limit alcohol and stimulants.
  • Maintain ideal weight, exercise regularly.
  • Tell your doctor as soon as side effects occur.

7. What to do to detect ovarian cancer early?

To detect ovarian cancer at the earliest, women should have cancer screening and regular health checkups, especially women after 50 years of age and women with high-risk factors.

✅ At CarePlus International Clinic System, there is a screening package for common cancers in women: breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer with specialized examination items, show problems early even when there are no symptoms.

A team of experienced specialists will give you detailed advice, thoroughly analyze the diagnosis results, and explain each medical intervention or treatment if there is a disease. In particular, the examination process at CarePlus is rapid, and there is no need to wait. The price of the cancer screening package is affordable, suitable for the financial conditions of many subjects.

Ovarian cancer is difficult to recognize in the early stages because the symptoms of the disease are very vague, easy to confuse with many other conditions. Most cases are only discovered when cancer has progressed to an advanced stage, with apparent symptoms but difficult to treat.

Therefore, women should closely monitor their health through regular health checkups, early cancer screening to best prevent disease.


Register for Cancer Screening Packages HERE



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