Ovarian cancer: Symptoms, causes and treatment

Early recognition of ovarian cancer, when the tumor has not metastasized makes treatment less complicated, increasing the chances of life for the patient.

Ovarian cancer: Symptoms, causes and treatment

12/11/2019 2:40:38 PM

Ovarian cancer is a dangerous disease that can occur at any age and is highly fatal but is difficult to recognize. When the disease first starts, the disease progresses silently with a few initial symptoms, so women often do not examine, leading to many negative consequences for their health. So what are the early warning signs of ovarian cancer?

1. What is Ovarian Cancer?

Ovarian cancer is malignant tumors that form in one or both of the ovaries due to the abnormal growth of internal cells. Without timely treatment, cancer cells will invade surrounding tissues and organs, lose the function of hormone production, egg cell production, pregnancy of the ovaries. In advanced stages, cancer cells spread through the blood or lymph to other organs and form new tumors.

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Ovarian cancer is the 8th most common cancer in women

Types of ovarian cancer:

  • Ovarian carcinoma (cancers that come from cells on the surface of the ovary).

  • Cancer from cells that produce eggs.

  • Ovarian cancer comes from the tissue cells that support the ovaries.

2. The stages that ovarian cancer develops

  • Stage 1: The tumor is still inside the ovaries or fallopian tubes, has not spread to other organs.

  • Stage 2: The tumor remains in the ovaries and fallopian tubes but has already begun to spread to nearby organs in the pelvis.

  • Stage 3: Tumor further spread, larger than 2cm, may even have spread to further organs such as the liver, spleen.

  • Stage 4: The final stage, cancer has spread to many other organs such as the spleen, liver, lungs, brain ... as well as the lymph nodes in the groin. Treatment of the disease at this stage is very difficult and complex.

3. Typical early warning signs of ovarian cancer

The earliest warning signs of ovarian cancer that women need to pay attention to:

  • Gastrointestinal disturbances such as nausea, diarrhea, or constipation.

  • Poor appetite for a long time, feeling full even with very little food.

  • Persistent flatulence, lasting up to a few weeks with swelling in the abdomen.

  • Pain during urination or change in urination habits.

  • The body always feels tired.

  • Lose weight suddenly without changing your diet or exercising to lose weight.

  • Unusual vaginal bleeding with pain.

  • Pain during couple sex.

  • Pelvic pain with unexplained back pain.

  • Dripping bleeding between periods

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Đau vùng chậu kéo dài là một trong những dấu hiệu cảnh báo sớm ung thư buồng trứng

4. Causes of ovarian cancer

Currently, the cause of ovarian cancer is still unknown. However, many studies show that some of the following factors can increase the risk of disease:

  • Family history: If you have a mother, sister, or sister who has ovarian cancer, your risk is very high.

  • History of breast cancer, colon cancer.

  • Age: Women after 50 years of age are more likely to develop ovarian cancer.

  • Pregnancy and childbirth: Women who have ever been pregnant and have a baby have a lower risk of ovarian cancer compared to women who have never had a baby.

  • Using drugs to stimulate ovulation.

  • Use of talcum powder: Talc powder is a mineral composed of magnesium, silicon, and oxygen. This compound is often found in cosmetics, especially baby powder because it works to keep skin dry and prevent rashes. However, if the female genitals are exposed to talc powder, it can increase the risk of tumor formation, ovarian cancer.

  • Estrogen replacement therapy.

5. Chance of living for more than 5 years 

Ovarian cancer, if detected early and effectively treated from the early stage of tumor formation, the chance of living for more than 5 years can be up to 95%. If the disease is detected in stage 2, the survival rate over 5 years is only 70%. At stage 3 is 39% and the chance of survival in the end-stage is very low because the tumor has spread far away, is difficult to treat, and the effectiveness of treatment is low.

Therefore, when there is any sign or subjects at high risk of disease, it is advisable to proactively screen for cancer as soon as possible. The timely detection and treatment of ovarian cancer will bring efficiency and high survival opportunities for patients.

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Women should actively screen for ovarian cancer early 

6. Ovarian cancer diagnosis and treatment

6.1. Diagnose

The medical techniques used to diagnose ovarian cancer include:

  • Symptoms appeared and examined clinically.

  • Imaging tests such as ultrasound, MRI scan, CT scan.

  • Blood tests.

  • A biopsy determines whether a tumor in the ovary is benign or malignant.

  • Surgery to determine the stage of ovarian cancer.

  • A tumor marker (CA-125).

6.2. Treatment

Depending on the progression of the disease, the patient's medical condition, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment. Ovarian cancer is usually treated with surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy.

According to the doctor's regimen, patients need:

  • Follow-up on time.

  • Follow your doctor's instructions. Do not arbitrarily take non-prescribed drugs or quit prescription drugs.

  • Eat healthily, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, reduce fat, and limit alcohol and stimulants.

  • Maintain ideal weight, exercise regularly.

  • Report to your doctor as soon as possible the side effects of the drug.

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In addition to medical interventions, you need to build a healthy lifestyle to support better treatment

7. What to do to detect cancer cells in the ovaries earliest?

To detect the earliest signs of cancer, women should have cancer screening and periodic health checks, especially after 50 years old women.

CarePlus International Clinics System currently has a package of common cancer screening in women: breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer with in-depth examination categories, early detection of abnormal problems. even without symptoms.

A team of experienced specialists will give you a thorough consultation, thoroughly analyze the diagnosis results. In particular, the examination process at CarePlus is very fast, no need to wait. The price of the cancer screening package is affordable, suitable for the financial conditions of many subjects.

Ovarian cancer is very difficult to recognize in the early stages because the manifestation of the disease is very vague. Most cases are detected only when cancer has turned advanced. Therefore, women should closely monitor their health through periodic health checks and early cancer screening for the best prevention.

For more information, please contact CarePlus through:


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