Painless Colonoscopy And Gastroscopy Service

Painless Colonoscopy And Gastroscopy Service


Painless Colonoscopy and Gastrocospy is an advanced and modern endoscopic technique, which addresses the shortcomings of traditional endoscopy. 

Advantages of painless endoscopy

  • Pain-free experience: There is no sensation of pain, reducing anxiety. Patients do not experience discomfort, nausea, or the urge to cough or gag as with conventional endoscopy methods. 

  • Precision: With painless endoscopy, patients remain still, ensuring clear and accurate images, facilitating the endoscopy process. 

  • Safety: Depending on each specific case, the doctor will determine the appropriate dosage of sedative medication for short-term sedation, ensuring safety and not adversely affecting health. Pain-free endoscopy is recommended by the American Gastroenterological Association and endorsed by the Asian Pacific Association of Gastroenterology. 


  • The recommended age for individuals at average risk to begin cancer screening with endoscopy is currently between 35 and 45 years old. 

  • Having close family members (grandparents, parents, siblings) with gastrointestinal diseases such as esophageal cancer, stomach cancer, or colorectal cance, multiple polyps in the digestive tract. 

  • Symptoms such as passing mucus or blood stools (especially if suspected of rectal cancer or colon cancer), unexplained weight loss, changes in bowel habits, anemia. 

  • Abnormal findings on colonoscopy or ultrasound. 

  • Intervention or follow-up treatment is required. 

  • Engaging in unhealthy lifestyle and dietary habits, such as frequent smoking, alcohol consumption, eating a lot of fried foods, or consuming spicy foods. 

  • Factors that increase the risk of gastrointestinal cancer, including the presence of polyps, suffering from stomach or colon ulcers, or being infected with H. pylori bacteria. 


  • Evaluation of benign conditions in the lower digestive tract such as hemorrhoids, anal fissures, anal prolapse, ulcerative colitis, diverticulosis, irritable bowel syndrome, etc. 

  • Screening for colorectal polyps and follow-up after treatment. 

  • Gastroscopy can detect upper gastrointestinal conditions such as esophagitis, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), achalasia, peptic ulcers in the stomach and duodenum, gastric and duodenal polyps, functional dyspepsia, and determine the presence of H. pylori infection. 

  • It also screens for complications like esophageal and gastric varices in patients with cirrhosis, and examines precancerous lesions in the stomach such as atrophic gastritis and intestinal metaplasia. 



Before undergoing Colonoscopy, patients will undergo a health check by doctors to ensure they are fit for the procedure. Sometimes, patients may need to undergo certain necessary clinical tests. 

Patients should also inform the doctor if they are pregnant or suspect they are pregnant. 

Patients are instructed to "take bowel preparation medication" before the colonoscopy. 

There are some instructions that patients need to remember and follow to ensure the most effective gastroscopy process, including: 

  • Fasting for 6-8 hours before the procedure. This ensures that the digestive tract is clean and easily observable for the doctor. Patients may drink a small amount of water, but it should be very limited. 

  • Avoiding the use of blood thinners such as aspirin, clopidogrel, etc. This helps minimize the risk of bleeding during the surgical intervention. Patients should inform the doctors about any medications they are currently taking or have taken recently. 


a. Colonoscopy

  • Patients are instructed to lie on their left side with their knees bent towards their abdomen. 

  • Sedative medication will be administered intravenously to limit discomfort during the colonoscopy. 

  • The doctor will insert the endoscope into the colon through the anus and then inflate the colon with air to facilitate observation. 

  • During the colonoscopy, patients may feel discomfort or abdominal cramps. Patients should remain calm, lie still, and take deep breaths. This discomfort will disappear after the colonoscopy is completed. 

  • The colonoscopy procedure usually takes 30-60 minutes, depending on the specific condition of each patient. 

b. Gastroscopy 

  • Inserting the endoscope into the esophagus. 

  • Examining and diagnosing the condition of the gastrointestinal tract through images displayed on the screen. During this process, the doctor may pump a small amount of air into the digestive tract for better observation. 

  • Using tools to take tissue samples, remove abnormal masses from the esophagus, stomach, or intestines from the patient's body. 


  • Patients are monitored until they are fully awake. 

  • Symptoms after colonoscopy may include a feeling of dull abdominal pain, bloating, or the urge to defecate but unable to. If there is polyp removal or biopsy, small traces of blood may be seen in the stool. These are normal symptoms and will quickly disappear, so patients do not need to worry. However, if there are severe symptoms such as fever, dizziness, severe abdominal pain, or passing a lot of blood in the stool, patients should inform the medical staff immediately. 

  • Patients may experience fatigue and discomfort due to the effects of sedative medication. Other common post-endoscopy symptoms include drowsiness, abdominal pain or bloating, and a sore throat for a few hours. These symptoms will gradually diminish over time, so patients need not worry excessively. 

  • During the clinic stay, patients should also carefully observe their own health. If there are any abnormal symptoms such as increasing pain or discomfort, nausea, difficulty breathing, chest pain, or fever, patients should inform the doctor and nurse immediately for timely treatment. 

  • After fully waking up, patients meet with the doctor to receive the colonoscopy results, prescription medication, schedule follow-up appointments (if necessary), and receive instructions on diet and health monitoring. 

CLINIC: District 1 

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