Start time: 2021-06-18 11:00:00
End time: 2021-06-18 12:00:00
7/16/2021 2:23:10 PM
Weaning is the first eating habit in children. Many parents are likely to perplex like when to give baby solids, what to feed, how much is enough, should choose the American-style or traditional Japanese-style weaning method, etc.
Watch the Livestream WEANING TIPS FROM A TO Z FOR BABY with nutritionist Dr LE THI KIM DUNG
In particular, there are many attractive gifts worth up to 5,000,000 VND from CarePlus Clinic Vietnam, Glico ICREO Vietnam, and Arau Baby Vietnam for lucky viewers during the Livestream. Do not miss it!
Livestream is broadcast at 11:00 on Friday | June 18, 2021, on the Fanpage of CarePlus Clinic Vietnam.
Let register to attend the seminar "Health care for children in the bad weather"
10/4/2019 2:04:44 PM
The weather changes make the baby's body respond against because the child's resistance is still weak. The time of bad weather and the increasing of pollution in Ho Chi Minh City are opportunities for the disease to appear and penetrate easily into the child's body.
Livestream Should apply low-card diet in obesity children?
4/16/2021 4:50:54 PM
Obesity is a rapidly growing public health in Southeast Asia, especially in children. Which affects not only appearance but also their health. Parents have their child trying many methods including low-carb diet. But whether it safe and really work?
6/4/2021 9:19:53 AM
Livestream Living Happily With Thyroid Cancer
7/9/2021 10:07:01 AM