Start time: 2017-09-23 09:00:00
End time: 2017-09-23 12:00:00
1/17/2018 2:06:07 PM
Adenoids and tonsils are important elements of the immune system that help the body prevent respiratory infections. In children, as the immune system is weak and incomplete, adenoids and tonsils are often inflamed and recurrent.
In Vietnam, it is estimated that 30% of children, especially those among 2-5 years old, suffer from adenoiditis. If not treated promptly, these diseases can cause complications to other organs such as otitis media.
Are adenoiditis and tonsillitis dangerous for children? When do children need intervention and treatment? What should parents do when their children have tonsillitis and adenoiditis? With a view to sharing medical knowledge and helping parents to understand this symptom better, CarePlus International Clinics, in conjunction with Phu Hung Life Insurance, would like to invite you to our talk show “Adenoiditis and Tonsillitis – When to Operate?”.
Attending our talk show, you will have the opportunity to win the following health packages:
Livestream "Coughing & Common Summer Respiratory Diseases"
6/20/2018 10:35:33 AM
Thông thường, khi nói đến các bệnh hô hấp thường gặp ở trẻ em, nhiều người sẽ nghĩ đây là bệnh chỉ gặp vào mùa mưa, mùa lạnh, hay khi thời tiết chuyển mùa.
Welcoming children and parents from rise english center to careplus district 1
3/29/2021 5:16:46 PM
It’s the cooperation between CarePlus and Rises to provide a better understanding of health care knowledge.
How to take care of F0 & F1 quarantine at home
7/19/2021 2:24:11 PM
To reduce pressure on hospitals and isolation areas, the Ministry of Health officially deployed F0 and F1 will isolate at home. Although this form is relatively new in Vietnam, it's applied during the outbreak in other countries worldwide, such as the US, UK, France, etc.
Livestream Post Covid-19: Healthcare And Recovery
4/28/2022 10:52:03 AM