Couples Counseling

Couples Counseling

In today's fast-paced world, filled with pressures from work, finances, and personal issues, couples often face challenges in their relationships. These difficulties can lead to tension and conflict, impacting harmony and overall quality of life. 

Research suggests that couples experiencing relationship difficulties are at a higher risk of emotional disorders, anxiety, substance abuse, and physical health problems (McShall & Johnson, 2015). Additionally, marital stress can negatively affect children, impacting their mental and physical health, academic performance, and other areas of their lives (Bernet et al., 2016). 

CarePlus offers couples counseling service for those facing challenges in their relationships, love, or marriage, with such needs: 

  • Strengthen the relationship: improving communication and addressing small issues early on before they escalate 

  • Emotional and communication distance: difficulty communicating, feeling uncomfortable being together or expressing intimacy, decreased sexual desire, etc. 

  • Disagreements on viewpoints: regarding children, work, finances, lifestyle, relationships, etc. 

  • The presence of negative behaviors: emotional or physical abuse, infidelity, frequent arguments, conflict. 

With experience in supporting couples, CarePlus psychological specialists utilize emotion-focused therapies that emphasize empathy, compassion, and mindfulness. Together, couples can develop a deeper understanding and acceptance of each other's challenges and limitations, while rebuilding a safe, warm, and loving space within themselves and their relationship. 

DURATION: 90 minutes per session


Phone: 0918 714 225 


Monday - Saturday | 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM 

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