Office workers often have the habit of buying breakfast, snacks, even lunch and dinner at convenience stores. Due to the busy work requirements, purchase food at these stores has helped solve many problems: fullness, fast and relatively cheap.
8/4/2021 3:45:05 PM
However, how to get a nutritious meal that is still nutritionally balanced and healthy? You can buy a heart-healthy, heart-healthy meal from convenience stores if you follow these guidelines:
1. Prioritize foods that are pure protein, not fat, not fried, not sprinkled with sauces, mayonnaise, cheese and that. Choose Greek yogurt, egg whites, chicken breast in salads, soy milk.
2. Prioritize foods with a lot of fiber to keep you full for a long time. Usually, it would help if you chose whole nuts such as peanuts, sunflowers, chestnuts. Do not choose fried beans with fish skin, cheese, roasted salt, etc., a lot of salt and sugar.
3. Prioritize green vegetables and fruits. Should choose a vegetable salad, omit the oil mixed because of mayonnaise, fat, eat only vegetables. The fruits are not too sweet, like plums, guava, grapefruit and only eat one portion enough (1 banana is fine, but two is too much). Do not eat dried fruits, sugared jams, canned fruits, etc.
4. Buy only mineral water and stay away from ready-to-drink coffee, milk tea, and fruit drinks because they don't contain much sugar.
5. You should choose high-fibre, gluten-free, sugar-free confectionery. These types are complicated to eat, must chew a lot because they are rich in fibre, but they will be complete for a long time. Stay away from ice cream, chocolate, marshmallows. If you're sad, you can buy sugar-free tablets but only take less than three candies/day.
6. Pay attention to the total calories. Food is good but overeating is not necessarily good. An average meal should be limited to about 200-250 calories. 1 jar of Greek yogurt (100 calories), 1 guava (60 calories), 1 pack of whole grain oatmeal cookies (70 calories) are examples of a 200 calorie meal. For easy comparison, it is necessary to know that a cup of white rice has 200 calories, a plate of rice with ribs 350 calories, beef noodle soup 600 calories, dumplings 320 calories, vermicelli 400 calories.
If possible, walking to the convenience store is also a healthy exercise that should not miss. Please note to have both delicious and nutritious meals!