Livestream "Hello Summer, Hello Mr. Diarrhea"

Livestream "Hello Summer, Hello Mr. Diarrhea"

Start time: 2018-06-29 11:30:00
End time: 2018-06-29 12:00:00

6/27/2018 2:43:58 PM

During summer, diarrhea remains one of the most common diseases in children less 5 years of age due to their weak immune system.

According to UNICEF, globally, an  estimated 2,000 children under the age of five die everyday from diarrhea diseases. In Vietnam, every year approximately 1,100 children under five die of diarrhea. 

So...What are tips to help your baby stay safe and avoid getting diarrhea in this summer? 

Follow CarePlus and MarryBaby to watch LIVESTREAM "HELLO SUMMER, HELLO MR. DIARRHEA"

  • Time11:30 AM, Friday 29/6/2018
  • SpeakerDr. Tran Thi Tu Hang - District 7 CarePlus Clinic (Pediatrics: general pediatrics; examination, consultation of nutrtion and vaccination, treatment of digestive diseases)
  • On fanpage of CarePlus and MarryBaby

Any questions related to the topic will be answered by Dr. Tu Hang in the livestream.  

ESPECIALLY: 5 people having interesting questions during livestream will receive attractive gifts from CarePlus

  • 3 vouchers of general health check for children under 5 years old which are worth 800.000VNĐ/voucher
  • 2 vouchers of general health check for children from 5 years old and above which are worth 550.000VNĐ/voucher

In order not to miss the livestream, please note the time, and don't forget to share this useful information to your friends!

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