4/27/2021 2:26:38 PM

Study shows that more than 85% children from 6-8 years old have tooth decay, and on average, each child has more than 6 baby teeth cavities in Vietnam which is an alarming number. Tooth decay affects daily life and causes digestive problems, absorbs nutrients, and affects permanent teeth in the future.

So what’re solutions for parents? To learn more, follow the information below by Dr. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Truc – Dental Care Specialist of CarePlus International Clinic.

1.The reason

Tooth decay occurs when food plaque builds up for a long time, eroding tooth enamel and creating cavities. Plaque is a coating adhesive that forms when bacteria combine with food, acids, and saliva in the mouth. Tooth decay in a child occurs when:

● Oral hygiene is bad

● Consume too much sweet food

● Suck regularly at night

● Oral checkup rarely

2.Treating baby tooth decay promptly

Many parents believe baby tooth cavities is not a big deal cause it will be lost and replaced by permanent teeth. This is completely wrong, if not treated promptly it will lead to a lot of consequences

● Baby tooth decay will fall out prematurely causing the permanently raise definitely

● Affect to chewing function and cause a problem for the digestive system

● Limit the child's language development

3. What to do when the baby teeth are decayed

Depending on the condition of the teeth, we will have the appropriate treatment

● Sealants - preventive fillings: to prevent cavities from developing in the case of early tooth decay.

● Filling or root canal treatment: after removing dentin, depending on the location and condition of the cavity, the dentist will give an appropriate option.

● Crowns: in some cases, when the tooth decay is heavy, a big break can not keep the fillings, a stainless steel crown will be the optimal choice both in terms of aesthetics and function for the baby.

● Extraction: is the last solution when it is impossible to treat with the above methods for severe decay.

4.Keeping your child’s teeth healthy

Baby tooth decay has serious effects on the daily activities of children. But parents can completely prevent by following ways:

● Brush teeth with fluoride toothpaste at least 2 times a day

● Limit foods high in sugar such as candies and snacks.

● Eat healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables.

● Oral hygiene after eating or drinking

● Dental check-ups every 3-6 months.


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