7/1/2020 4:25:40 PM
Most parents think it is enough to just take care of their children when they are young. However, even when your baby is an adult, past puberty or adulthood, he or she still needs to be vaccinated to be protected from the risk of other dangerous diseases, including Cervical Cancer.
Each year around the world 12,000 women die from cervical cancer. It is common in women between the ages of 40 and 60. However, the pathogen caused by the HPV virus may have been secreted in the patient's body for decades. Therefore, getting vaccinated against HPV early is the most effective way to proactively prevent this dangerous disease.
Women aged 9 to 26 years should get the HPV vaccine before their first sex to prevent cervical cancer. In which, 9-12 years old is the age of the highest immune response to vaccines.
So parents with girls in the above age can proactively protect their children from the risk of getting Cervical Cancer by getting their children vaccinated against HPV today!