5 steps guidlines if someone tests positive for COVID-19 at work

By the end of October 2021, it reaches nearly 90% that employees return to work reaching. To ensure productivity and employees’ safety, the Department of Health launch guideline on 5 steps dealing with F0 in business.

5 steps guidlines if someone tests positive for COVID-19 at work


5-step dealing with F0 at business

  • Step 1: Temporarily isolate F0 in the isolation area. Notify local health authorities for help.
  • Step 2: Temporarily suspend the operation where F0 occurs to clean and disinfect, test for all F1.
  • Step 3: Determine the isolation scale in lines, parts, workshops
  • Step 4: Identify the correct F1
  • Step 5: In case the production facility has over 80% employees fully vaccinated, all F1s are allowed to continue working, re-test on the 3rd, 7th and continue every 7 days until there are no more infections. Minimize communication with the outside until the end of the monitoring.

Correct understanding of close contact

  • Contact with sick people in 2 meters. Contact time > 15 minutes (multiple exposures, eg 3 times, 5 minutes each time, still count as close contact)
  • Contact with an infected person less than 1 meter is high risk (regardless of the duration of exposure).
  • Direct contact with a sick person (eg, hug, shoulder, handshake)
  • Direct contact with respiratory secretions of an infected person (coughing, sneezing, tissue with secretions, sharing cups, face towels or other personal hygiene items)
  • Living in the same house
  • Same work group / same room
  • Traveling with a group, working, meeting
  • Sit in the same row or in front/back of 2 rows on vehicle

>> Watch more videos on MSc on safety measures for workers when returning to work Dr. Phung Ngoc Minh Tan HERE




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